Humanities and Sciences by StarvingLunatic 7

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7: Physiology 101 — How to Mend and Break Limbs

"So, what do you have planned for today, Princess?" Shego asked curiously. The trio was having breakfast in the dining room, which they were trying to work their way back to doing. Kim could finally sit up on her own without them having to worry about her being in pain or falling out of her chair.

Joss was still with them, but coming up to her last days at the lush apartment. Kim was getting better and would be starting her "serious physical therapy," as they all referred to it. Joss had university classes she needed and wanted in the fall semester, so she had to go back to school.

"Yori and Ron want help planning their wedding, so they're going to come keep me company for a while and I'll help them figure some things out. I think Mo's in town again, so she might stop by," Kim replied with a smile.

"Are they paying you to act as wedding coordinator?" Shego teased.

"I'm only helping. They'll be doing most of the planning," Kim answered, childishly sticking her tongue out at Shego.

Somehow, Shego refrained in making a sexual comment, mindful of the fact that Kim had not had sex since the incident. Of course, that also meant Shego and Bonnie had not had sex with Kim for months. The thought made Shego groan and she shook the whole thing away, getting back to the matter at hand.

"Don't give them a bunch of good ideas. We'll need some for our wedding," Shego remarked.

The whole place went quiet, except for the clank of silverware onto the plates. All eyes went to the former thief. Shego had a ton of practice in pretending what she said was normal, so she continued on eating.

Bonnie and Kim decided to let Shego have that one instead of making a fuss. They were possibly one step closer to having a wedding. They shared a glance and a quick smile before moving on.

"Bonnie, how's work going?" Kim asked. Bonnie had not complained about work for a while, so Kim hoped that was a good thing.

"Work's going great now that I don't have to worry about Heather bothering me or Lyle harassing me. Speaking of Heather, is your cousin still seeing her, Shego?" Bonnie inquired.

"Yup. Francesca's totally smitten. So, that monkey should remain off your back," Shego replied with a smile. That response got smiles out of both of her girls.

"I hope Heather's sincere about her feelings with your cousin," Kim said.

Shego shrugged. "If not, Francesca will make her regret it. She's generally laid-back until someone crosses her. So, for Heather's sake, she better be genuine or she'll be sorry." Kim and Bonnie shrugged, too. It sounded like Francesca could handle herself.

They finished up their breakfast with Joss clearing the table. Cali helped the college student, which earned her odd looks from her humans. They had a feeling Cali was going to be heartbroken when Joss left, even if she was just being helpful because of Kim's condition. The feline had never cleaned up after herself, let alone others, until Kim was injured and then Joss showed up, making her do it even more so.

"How long are Ron and Yori going to be here?" Bonnie asked curiously as she grabbed her jacket and briefcase.

"I don't know. Probably until noon. I know Yori's going to her afternoon classes," Kim answered.

"Is your physical therapist coming today?" Bonnie knew she was, but felt complied to ask to be sure.

"Yup. She should be here around one," the redhead replied.

"All right."

Bonnie kissed Kim farewell and turned to give Shego the same. Shego then kissed Kim and the working pair left. Kim sighed; she missed working. She missed her "creepy" students and their "Kim-esque" devotion. She managed to push the emotions down as Cali came over, still in her humanoid form.

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