11) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 11: Tangled up in Sheets
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

A/N: This one is much more MA for content. Just saying.

Tangled up in Sheets

"Uhm...so...bed? Are you sure Kim? I mean I don't want to have you do something you don't want to do?" replied Shego nervously, her palms beginning to sweat a little. Was Kim actually serious about this, about them taking things to another level? Shego had enjoyed several fantasies about the red head so far and now it looked like maybe some of them might come true. Was she ready for that to happen?

"I was checking up on the law and you know what, we have neglected to consummate this marriage. So I thought you and I might want to do that, just to be legal you understand. Was I wrong?" Kim said coyly, looking at Shego through half lidded eyes.

Shego swallowed hard. The way that Kim was looking at her fueled her desire but what if Kimmie was only playing and not seriously considering sex. She really didn't have any idea what to do but she wanted to be sure and for her wife to be sure. "No, you weren't wrong and I want you. I...I just didn't want to push you into anything you weren't ready for."

Kim smiled brightly at the green skinned woman, whose skin was a bit lighter than green tea, and replied, "I'm ready, Eme. My biggest worry ended when I said I loved you and I really do. It still boggles my mind and is so the drama, but this, this is what I want."

Shego nodded, this was better than any dream she had ever had. This was amazing and something she desired so much that her body started getting ready. Apparently her fantasies were enough to get that motor running and her nipples hardened at the thought and she could feel herself growing wet. She needed to take Kim home now. With a quick glance around she spotted their waiter. When she caught his eye she mouthed, "Check please."


The house was fairly quiet when the two young women got back to the Possible house. The tweebs had apparently sealed themselves into the basement to do an experiment, which had been strengthened since a little mishap with a rocket a year ago. Her parents were in the family room watching TV and simply said their hellos when Kim had called out to them after they had removed their shoes. It certainly seemed like a perfect time to both of them, everyone was distracted and not near her room.

Once they had made their way to the room some what stealthily, despite the fact that there was no need, Kim shut the door and laid a towel across the bottom, to help block out ay sound. She then went to the stereo and started something playing at a sensible volume; it should also mask any sounds they would make and Kim figured that there might be plenty of sounds. "I figured this should cover us so long as no one gets really loud."

Shego blushed at that, having been told more than once that she was a screamer and she was okay with that. Wanting to take control of the situation again she pulled Kim up close to her and began to slow dance with her, mostly keeping to the rhythm. Kim relaxed in her arms and rested her head on Shego shoulder. After a few songs, Shego looked down and lifted Kim's chin so that they were looking at each other and the desire was clear on each of their faces. "I love you, Kimmie."

With that she kissed the teen and it went from a soft, delicate kiss to passionate fairly quickly. Apparently, this was something both of them needed, as the urge to be together came through their mouths. They held each other tightly and the kisses began to trail off the mouth and over the neck, to occasionally bite softly. Shego leaned back and moaned as Kim kissed across her neck, sucking the flesh gently. It felt like a trail of fire moving across her skin and Shego wanted, needed more. Then it was her turn to kiss Kim's neck and to nibble on the ear a little, which her Princess seemed to enjoy. Kim's soft moans of approval kept the green woman on her task and she traced her tongue up one side of the neck and kissed across her jawline to reach her lips briefly. Shego could feel Kim's racing heart whenever her lips pressed against the neck, are her artery pumped furiously.

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