17) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 17: Tropical Surprise
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Tropical Surprise

Shego looked over the paperwork in her hands one more time. It all looked correct to her limited knowledge of legalese, which wasn't all that scanty. Things would be fun this afternoon since everything checked out and she couldn't wait for the shocked look that she knew would be coming. It would be sweet to witness the results of her deception, to watch how the face changed to one of shock and denial. This was going to make it all worth it. Now she just had to get the last little bits of her plan in motion before the day grew too much older. Shego was a perfectionist when it came to things like this. She chuckled maniacally. "Muawhahahahahahaha!"

"That's a lovely villain laugh Shego, but could you not scare the other people?" calmly asked Anne Possible as she flipped through a Ladies Home Journal, while they waited in line at the Grocery store. Several foodstuffs had been needed for the success of this plan and she was doing her best to help the dark haired woman.

"Sorry Mrs....uh...Mom, I was just looking forward to the look on Kimmie's face when she finds out. It will be fantabulous." Shego smiled at the thought. Yes, the look would be worth everything, all the planning and exertion that had gone into this plot.

Anne smiled mischievously, which Shego was coming to understand was sort of a norm for the neurosurgeon. The red headed woman with blue eyes winked at Shego. "That should be fun. Do you have everything taken care of?"

Shego nodded. She had lots of experience running criminal operations and she had used that skill to ensure that everything would go perfectly. Things needed to run smoo0thly in this operation for success to be had. Screw-ups would be punished. "The last of it should be done by about two thirty and we pick up Kimmie at three. And after the doctors visit it should be fun."

"Good. Did we need anything else or are we ready to go?" asked Anne, grabbing some of the grocery bags.

"We're good. I think we should make sure everything is done first and then we can pick up Princess and do this." Shego cackled a little at that. "I think I can see the attraction for the laugh. It's very cathartic."


Kim was exhausted. The day had been long, classes dreary and boring, she had thrown up lunch shortly after eating it and she was much more emotional now than she had been last week. If it weren't for the fact that she knew she was pregnant than she would have believed she simply had really bad PMS. But she didn't. The only thing that kept her mood up was the fact that they were going to have the first ultrasound today. It kept her from lashing out physically and verbally by the narrowest of margins. She had remembered to write down her assignments but for the life of her she couldn't remember what they were.

The teen hero was really excited about this appointment. They were going to be able to see their muffin today and that made her want to jump up and down in joy. When she got outside, and separated herself from the flood of teenagers she spotted her mom's car. Kim hugged Ron and said bye to him, hustling over. Her mom was driving, wearing her sporty sunglasses and Shego was in the backseat, waving a brown paper bag at her. This meant snack, and snack meant a slight dent in her hunger.

She smiled at the fact that Shego had started giving her muffins for a snack lately, though it was also a little disturbing in a way. It was almost as if she were eating herself which made her blush and try to imagine how much more Yoga she would need to accomplish that. "Hey Mom. Hey Eme."

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