19) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 19: Maternal Squeezes
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Maternal Squeezes

Kim blinked her eyes open and was surprised to see the ceiling of an ER. Her head hurt and she felt a bit dizzy. The last thing she could clearly remember was Killigan and some sort of quilt. What had happened? One of her hands was being held and when she looked in that direction she wasn't completely surprised to see that it was Shego, sitting by the bed. It made her smile slightly, knowing she was cared for. She ran through things in her head and recalled the fight with Killigan and slamming into the wall. That was it though. Shego looked up at the worried red head as she could feel her fidget. "Welcome back sleepy head."

"Shego, is Muffin...?"

"She's alright. You just got knocked for a loop there but our daughter is fine. They did another ultrasound to make sure and I got us a few pictures of that as well. I figure if we can get some footage from the surveillance cameras from Wade we can put them in the baby book as Muffin's first fight." said Shego as ran her hand through the long red hair, brushing a few strands out of her wife's face.

"But it isn't her first fight? Not really." Surely Shego could remember fighting Dementor, right? After their date in the park?

"Yeah, but it's the first time she has been in a fight since we came up with her nickname. And the first check up she's needed because of one." countered the ex-thief.

Kim shrugged, as Shego was making sense. It was tough to keep her thoughts straight and she closed her eyes from the pain. "I guess we can do that, and I am sure Wade has pics from this fight and the one in Germany that was can use for the baby album."

Shego started chuckling, "You know, we have got to be some of the only people who would have combat pictures in a baby book."

Kim started to giggle at that thought and then winced, the pain flaring slightly. "Oh...hey...speaking of firsts, what do you think Muffin's first martial arts style should be?"

Shego shrugged, aware that it was a topic she hadn't thought about. So far everything was focused on the pregnancy and not the life of their kid. "One of the various Kung Fu styles I figure, something to capitalize on her speed and flexibility."

Kim nodded. "That would make sense. But I guess we need to wait until she can at least stand on her own before we figure out the answer to that one, like a year away."

"Well, I am glad we are thinking of teaching her how to fight. I was almost afraid that you might just have her get all girly on us." teased Shego, knowing that she was probably much more girly out of the two of them. Kim wasn't butch but more of a tomboy. It was adorable.

The curtains to that area slid open, revealing a nurse on her way in. "I see someone's feeling better."

"I am. I just have a slight headache, which I guess isn't too unusual for what happened and am slightly dizzy." replied Kim, smiling politely.

"Well, let me get the Doctor and you can probably get out of here and go home, okay?"

Kim smiled at that news. Being sore and stuff would be a great excuse to get into the hot tub, which was pleasurable anytime and would be more so now. She would call her mom to let her know everything was okay and then she could just soak and pass out. Shego leaned over and gave her a kiss which made her smile. "What was that for?"

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