54) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 54: Baby Magic
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Baby Magic

Everyone cooed over the little girl. Grace was apparently loved by everyone who saw her, which made her mothers happy. Anne was currently holding her granddaughter and singing softly to her. James was looking over at his wife with a faint smile. Nana was talking to Slim and Joss was starting wide eyed at Ron which amused Kim. Shego was sitting on the bed next to Kim, just pleased with everything, the two of them holding hands. When Grace got fussy, Anne handed the baby over to her daughter. "Sweetie, I think she's hungry."

Kim took her daughter and the men beat a hasty retreat knowing what was coming. The women sighed as the men escaped, amused by their antics. Once the men were gone, Kim opened her pajama shirt and let Grace latch onto a nipple. Kim winced a little, as the sensation was quite different from when Shego sucked on her but it wasn't unpleasant. There was more pulling for one, and the suction was greater. The sensation was really odd, to feel the milk coming out of her much larger breasts and she was still getting used to it. She had once been a bit self-conscious of her breasts, but now, that was no longer the case as they had certainly increased in size.

Grace fell asleep after being fed and Kim handed the sleeping baby off to Shego, who held the baby close, crooning to her softly, her face closer to Grace's. Ron was astounded by the sight. He had seen some amazing things since Shego had married Kim, but this was by far the wildest in his opinion. Shego looked so maternal right now and nothing like the crazed thief they had faced on all of those other missions about a year ago. It was actually kind of sweet. Shego...sweet, what was the world coming to? This was probably one of the signs of the apocalypse.

Kim was getting fairly antsy, as she had been in this bed for nearly a day and a half at this point. She wanted to get up and move. Her mom had told her that they were just making sure everything was fine with both her and Grace, especially due to all the misadventures Kim had with the baby during the later parts of the pregnancy. She wanted to take off back home and finally get back into the hot tub. That would be a nice treat as she hadn't been able to soak due to the baby.

Ron, once he returned, offered to pick Kim up so Nacos to give her something non-hospital, but Kim turned a little green at the mention of that, which made Shego laugh. Kim had been so obsessed for those inventions of Ron's but it seemed that right now it was clearly not what she wanted. Kim glared at her wife. "It's not funny."

"Oh it totally is Princess. Do you have any idea how much of this stuff you ate while you were carrying Grace? I was almost afraid she was going to be made of nacho cheese. Hell you even made me get you Nacos at four in the morning."

Ron looked confused for a second, trying to work out what she had just said. "Uhm...Bueno Nacho isn't an all night place."

"And besides," continued Shego, avoiding details at the moment as she didn't want to get in any trouble over this, "I told you it wasn't really food."

"Fine. Look all I really want to eat right now is a really good hamburger. I'm almost at the point where I would kiss Drakken for one. Ron, could you please go to In and Out for me instead? I'll be your best friend forever." pleaded Kim.

"Kim, I am you best friend and have been forever. It's not a problem. Double double animal?"

"Please and thank you." Kim sort of bounced in the bed, all excited to have something not covered in liquid cheese and made out of real food.

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