Chapter 34: A Merry Little Christmas
Tangled Up In GreenHeather O'Malley
Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.
A Merry Little Christmas
Kim sighed as she stretched. The light exercise was helping get the ache out of her muscles and she really needed that. People were going to be coming over to the Palace soon and she wanted to be able to move around a bit easier when they got there. Between the hot tub last night and the shower this morning she was feeling better, with her muscles warmed and thankfully her wounds were healing nicely. She rubbed her tummy and smiled, still happy that she and the Muffin had made it out of that fight okay. That thought darkened her mood some but she shrugged it off. It was Christmas, so she was going to try and keep those demons at bay.
Once she was finished with the stretching and had toweled off the faint sheen of sweat, she got dressed, going more for comfort than for looks. Everyone there would either be family or friend so what difference did it make how she was dressed? It was not like she needed to look good for anyone right now, especially since she had two black eyes, bruises everywhere and several still red scars. All she really wanted to do today was curl up on the couch, open presents and watch movies with her love. She didn't think it was too much to ask for.
When Kim made it downstairs, Shego had already made her some tea to go along with breakfast, which was an omelet and toast. In Kim's opinion Shego made the best omelets ever with the cheese and the bacon and the mushrooms and the peppers and the yum. Kim hadn't really been a fan of them until she had stolen some of Shego's omelet one day and then promptly commanded that they were a meal fit for a Princess. The green skinned woman had snerked at that and made one for her wife, chuckling the whole time. Now they were a common breakfast option, along with the good oatmeal and pancakes.
Abby was sitting there at the table nursing a coffee, looking completely wrung out. Kim looked over at her questioningly. Abby caught the look and replied. "I spent the whole night going over the security features of the house. I was checking to see if there were any obvious holes in the security or blind spots that could be exploited. I should have known better."
"Damn straight!" Shego's reply came from the kitchen as the green skinned woman finished making her own omelet.
Kim giggled at that. She would have made a comment as well on the subject but the omelet of goodness was calling out to her and she was hungry and everything and it would be rude not to eat her food and it's not like they were good cold or anything and she was just being polite, right? And since when did her thinking get so convoluted and rambly?
Shego just chuckled as she watched Kim work through something in her head before digging into her omelet with gusto. Kimmie was strange in some of the cutest ways as far as Shego was concerned. Kim certainly liked eating and Shego had been working on improving her cooking, just so she could feed her Princess the best food possible. It was a healthy choice for both of them and the baby. It was tasty as well. That was the nice little bonus to this whole thing which she certainly appreciated. Cooking was a lot more fun than it had been before, when she was cooking for herself in one lair or another before Princess came and blew every thing up. Now, it was yet another way for Shego to show Kimmie that she loved her.
Once the three of them finished eating breakfast, Shego and Kim went into the living room to get settled before the hordes descended while Abby took her turn doing the dishes. Kim got comfortable in her usual space and Shego sat next to her, holding her love. The two just sat there happily, murmuring sweet nothings into each others ears until there was a knock at the door. Shego headed over and looked through the scanner at who was waiting. Ron was standing there with all sorts of packages in his arms, barely managing to keep his balance under the load.
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