48) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 48: Naked Rounds
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Naked Rounds

Shego stood there a few seconds, watching the departing vehicle, her heart aching. She shook her head to clear it and then spun on her feet. As she ran back into the school, she called over her shoulder. "Ron, check on Abby!"

She reached one of the still living attackers inside the building and growled at him, her eyes narrowed in anger. Flickers of plasma surrounded her body, flickering off and on. "Where did they take her?"

The man spat in her face, trying to get up from the ground. 'Fuck you."

Shego gave the man a cold smirk and just shook her head. The chuckle that came out of her mouth caused students who were becoming brave enough to look out into the hall to close the doors and cower in fear. She shot a hand out, grabbed the man's testicles, crushing them slightly in her grasp and began to turn on the heat. The man struggled to free himself but Shego wrapped her other hand around his throat and lit a little of bit of plasma. The struggles ceased but the whimpering began. She slowly amped up the heat she was applying to his groin and the cloth began to smoke. The faint smell of burning hair grew. The one word she spoke was so cold that the thief shook. She could hear the sirens grow nearer. "Where?"

The man's eyes grew wide and he bit down on something in is mouth and Shego tumbled back, away from the green gas seeping out of his mouth. "FUCK!"

The body twitched violently, thrashing on the tile floor and then stilled. Her best lead for finding whoever took Kimmie and it was ruined. She shook in anger, wanting to just start destroying everything around her. She walked back outside morosely, trying to think of anyway that they might be able to find Kim. Their weapons were useless as the knives and bats were so generic that there was no way to track them. She headed back towards Ron as hordes of police cars pulled up, officers rushing inside. A few headed her way, weapons drawn and Shego rolled her eyes. "Freeze!"

"What can I do for you boys in blue?" she quipped, her voice flat.

"Put your hands up and surrender or we will open fire." shouted back one of the officers.

"I am going to reach into my pocket, okay." She did it slowly, one hand in the air. This was taking up valuable time but she didn't like the idea of being shot. That whole train of thought made her worry about Abby. She needed to deal with this and get going after Kim.

As she pulled free her Global Justice badge, the ambulance that had arrived sped off and she saw no sign of Ron anywhere. She was glad to see that as it meant that Ron was taking care of Abby. Once the badge was held up looks of confusion filled several of the officers' eyes. This villain had a badge? Shego smirked, this was just hysterical and she would laugh if she had the time. "I am a licensed officer of the law. Want to check my credentials?"

Several of the pistols were lowered but not all of them. This whole situation was making less and less sense all of the time. One officer came up to her, took the badge and called into dispatch. "I am checking on a badge number Gulf Juliet 9849893 Sierra Papa."

"Roger." After a short wait the dispatch came back onto the radio. "That is a valid badge number listed for a Shego Possible." The rest of the pistols were lowered in astonishment.

"Can I go now? I need to pursue the van that sped out of here. Do you know if anyone was after it?" At the blank looks she sighed. "Right. Bye then."

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