47) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 47: Schoolhouse Rock
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Schoolhouse Rock

Kim sighed. She hated any class she had with Mr. Barkin as the man just bugged the hell out of her in so many ways. All she wanted to do was get the hell out of the school and make it somewhere else, anywhere else. This was pure torture and the man droned on and on making even the most interesting of subjects. Kim was sure things would turn around for her if only the Kimmunicator would go off and drag her out of school to some far flung corner of the globe where she would be able to do something interesting. Even if she had to save the world from a crazy maid with OCD or something, anything but Barkin droning on and on about the fundamental causes of World War One.

What was really making her crazy was that she could have just read the book to have gotten the same stuff. He was basically reading the chapter to them and she wanted to pound her head into her desk. She begged the Gods for something to happen, if only she weren't pregnant and off missions.

The door to the room opened and Tara stepped in with a note for Mr. Barkin. She stood there looking bored while he scanned it and then he bellowed. "Possible, they need you down at the office. Go."

Kim thanked all the spirits above for saving her from this pain and suffering. She slowly got up, using the desk to help her stand, grabbing her bag from the back of the chair and slinging it over her shoulder. Abby pushed off from the wall with a roll of her back and quickly caught up to Kim. She let Tara leave the room first and noticed the girl's head turning to the left side slightly. It triggered all of her alarms. Something was going down. A deep breath calmed and centered her and she stepped out, letting her awareness expand to fill everywhere.

There was a movement to her left and Abby ducked under the swing of a bat. She punched the guy who was standing there in the knee with her left hand, driving him to the side. She then spun counterclockwise into the hallway on her knees, her jacket flaring out as her hands moved to her pistols, snapping the matched HK USP45CTs out at forty-five degree angles to her body. As Tara turned and started to shift forms, pulling free a knife, Abby fired twice with each weapon, two bullets hitting each figure in the chest. Then her arms snapped in different directions, covering both ends of the hallway as she scanned for any other danger. Twelve seconds had elapsed and the screaming began as the sound of the shots sort of echoed in the building.

Abby snapped a look at Kim and yelled, "Move!"

Kim waddled quickly out of the room and Abby triggered her radio. "Bug out bug out bug out!"

Abby leapt to her feet, moving ahead of Kim, pistols moving to cover as much area as possible. There was a figure running down towards them down the left hand connecting hall, with a knife raised. Without breaking stride, Abby put two rounds into it and the synthodrone oozed out, deflating it onto the floor as the bullets exploded out its back.

The sound of the gunfire echoed through the school and Ron's head snapped up in panic. "KP!"

The blond sidekick scampered to his feet, running for the door while other people screamed at the sound. He threw the door open and ran right into the bat, snapping him to the floor where he bounced a few times. He blinked up at the figure with the bat and realized that it looked like one of Drakken's drones. He needed help fast. "Soda me!"

Someone in the classroom tossed him a Pepsi and Ron popped the tab, spraying it all over the drone and himself. The figure bubbled and melted, the bat clattering to the floor. He rolled to the side and got to his feet a bit wobbly. "Gotta save KP."

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