In the Middle by StarvingLunatic 19

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19: 13 Miles

Kim and Shego found themselves surrounded. There was a wall at their back and a crowd at their front. How the hell had they, experienced warriors, allowed that to happen? There was no escape... much to Shego's dismay. The twitch in her eye seemed like it might be a warning sign she felt a little caged in. Kim did not really mind, but there was some apprehension in her olive eyes.

"Kimmie... what the hell did I do to deserve this?" Shego muttered, speaking out of the side of her mouth, as if she did not want anyone else to hear. She tried to back away just a little more, but her back hit the wall, so she was out of room now. Maybe even out of luck, which did not sit well with her. She appeared a bit nervous, like she wished to run away.

"You were a great teacher, silly," Kim remarked, smiling proudly now.

"Says you. If I was so great, they wouldn't be crowding us like this," Shego huffed, folding her arms across her chest. They would fear her if she was a great teacher and they would never think to approach her without her permission, in her opinion anyway. Kim seemed to think the mark of a great teacher meant more enthusiasm than necessary from students and a willingness to ask the teacher anything.

"So, teach, whaddaya say?" one of the students inquired with a hopeful look in her eyes; the expression was mimicked by about half of the mob. The students were the ones crowding around Kim and Shego. It was a mix of both of their classes as well as some parents.

"Do you know how much planning it takes to do a tournament?" Shego replied with a sigh. She sounded tired already. She slumped and dropped her hands to her shins in exhaustion. Just the thought of all of that work made her want to take a nap. If the students were not around, she would be throwing a tantrum right now to keep Kim from agreeing.

"But, a tournament would be cool! Besides, they do it at other schools!" another student shouted with vigor.

"It would be cool, Shego," Kim concurred, nodding to help back up the idea.

"Oh, no, you don't! Don't you even start to get ideas, Pumpkin!" Shego ordered, pointing at her girlfriend. She was well aware that once Kim started thinking on it, her cause to be lazy would be lost. She had no desire whatsoever to set up a tournament of any kind.

"But, it would be so cool, Shego!" Kim countered, preparing to engage the dreaded puppy-dog pout already. She was not in the mood to have an argument over what she felt was a good idea, so she figured she might as well pull out the ultimate weapon early on to just end everything.

Shego was about to say something, thinking she would shut her lover down completely, but she did not get the chance. A distraction came along and saved her the trouble. Cali seemed to wander out of nowhere into the front room of the school; in all truth, she fell out of a vent in another room. She was going to have to learn to be careful when exploring the building next time.

The cat was looking behind her, so she did not totally know what was going on in the main training room. She stumbled just a little bit, dizzy from tumbling out of that vent. She almost ran right into Kim.

"Cali, what're you doing down here?" Kim inquired as she leaned down and picked up the fluffy, slightly disorientated feline. Cali shook her head and almost fell out of Kim's arms because her whole body moved with her head. Kim chuckled a little and held onto Cali a little tighter.

"Oh! Cute kitty!" almost every female, and every person under the age of ten, cooed.

Shego would have hugged Cali if it had not been for the crowd. She was just so happy they were all distracted now. She considered inching out of the room, but she did not think that was necessary. Everyone was so distracted by the feline that they had clearly forgotten about what they were just begging for.

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