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The two of them continued picking up the balls, most of them were still warm from Jeongyeon's hit.

JH : "That pabo, if it wasn't for the risk of not being able to play the next day she wouldn't stop. She needs a life away from volleyball."

MN : "She does." She chuckles.

JH : "What? With alcohol?"

MN : "Hahaha you said outside of volleyball."

JH : "Yah! Those are two different things. Maybe I should break one of her legs. In that way she can have a rest from volleyball, also that will make it harder for her to drive to bars."

MN : "S-C-A-R-Y, you might want to hide your horns Ji, haha, you'll just make my work harder if you do that."

CY : "Why are you giving unnie a hard time?" The girls pop out of nowhere.

JH : "Here comes your prince charming."

TY : "Pfft prince charming? More like one of unnies seven dwarfs hahaha!"

TY : "Pfft prince charming? More like one of unnies seven dwarfs hahaha!"

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CY : "Yah Chou Tzuyu!!!"

DH : "Hahahaha!"

TY : "Stop laughing when you're the second one."

DH : "Yah!!! I always wonder why they call you gentle giant when you're savage as fuck!"

SM : "Hahaha unnie you're not any better."

JH : "You three! Look at what you've thought the kids. Can't you be like the rest?"

She said pointing at Sejeong, Ryujin, Yeji, Yuna, Chaeryoung, Lia, Sunmi and Chungha who were already helping to pick up the balls.

DH : "Woooo you're just praising them because Sejeong unnie is there. Whipped."

CY : "Whipped (2)"

TY : "Whipped (3)"

SM : "Whipped (4)"

JH : "Ahhhhh do you guys want to be whipped????????"

MN : "You better make a run for it haha."

CY : "just kidding, we'll make the place spotless!"

TY, DH, SM : "Hai!!!!!!"

The moment Jeongyeon came out of the shower, the place was already cleaned and the rest of the girls was already huddled up. Jihyo called her,

JH : "We'll be practicing 5 days starting next week since the season is almost starting. There's a couple of schedule practice game and of course our training camp. I expect nothing less from anyone. Jeong any word?"

YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now