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But after a while, they're back to that awkward silence. The two just stare at the TV but neither one of them has understood the story behind the movie that was running on the screen.

It's those unsaid words that making this heavy atmosphere around them.

If you think about it Jeongyeon used to hate mentioning Nayeon's name, it's usually just "her or that girl"

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If you think about it Jeongyeon used to hate mentioning Nayeon's name, it's usually just "her or that girl". It's like a name no one dares to mention. Mina couldn't even count the times Jeongyeon said the older girl's name tonight. Now it's Mina who cant take it whenever the name is mentioned especially when comes from Jeongyeon.

She stares at the taller girl until Jeonyeon caught her off guard. Jeongyeon smiled at her and took a deep breath,

JY : "Want to date me?" The girl nonchalantly asked.

Mina hates it, she hates how she just asked her like this, she hates that a couple of minutes ago she was talking about her ex

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Mina hates it, she hates how she just asked her like this, she hates that a couple of minutes ago she was talking about her ex. About not being sure of how she felt towards her. She hates how it feels like Jeongyeon is just asking her so she can get over the confusion. She hates how it feels like it's Jeongyeon's easier way out but what she hates more about this,

Is the part where she wanted to say yes and just run away with Yoo Jeongyeon.

Far away where she could keep her for herself, where it could be just her and Jeongyeon. She hates how she knows it's just one of those lies Jeongyeon loves to make.

Mina didn't notice right away but a tear has already fallen.

JY : "Hey, I was joking. Sorry, sorry."

By this time Mina had enough, she had enough of listening, she had enough of being the one who gets vent out to. It's like something inside of her has finally snapped, Myoui Mina had enough of the lies Yoo Jeongyeon loves to make.

The Japanese took the can of soda and dumped it in the taller girl's head.

JY : "Hey??? Whats up with that??"

Mina  stood up and turn her back to her.

MN : "Get out." She whisper.

JY : "What?" She said while standing up.

MN : "I said get out Jeong." She calmly repeated.

JY : "Mina I was just joking I'm sorry."

MN : "I just told you a while ago that you should be honest with yourself and here you are lying again. You don't get to joke about this kind of thing, not you. A while ago you were just saying you're not sure about how you feel for her. Jeong don't make me some kind of thing you can use to know what you want."

JY : "I'm sorry mina, I didn't mean it that way."

MN : "You didn't mean it? Pabo! Do you expect me to be calm after that? How insensitive you are? How numb can you get? Don't you fucking get it Jeongyeon? I love you!" 

"I love you..." Finally, the words came out.

JY : "Mina I.... I know..." She stutter.

MN : "You know?!" She said and turned to face the taller girl. "You know and you didn't say anything?! Was it fun making a fool out of me? Was it entertaining to you? What was I to you?!?! Some kind of pit stop? Or maybe a place you run when you at your worst?"

"You knew and you still choose to run here to tell me about her?!! Why the f*ck would you want me to be the one to see you broken??? Did you even have any idea how hard it was for me??? I got toss to the side the moment she came back. I get it Jeong, I understand, it'll never be me but why the f*ck would you go here if you knew about my feelings?! Is it because you knew I'll never say no to you????? Aish!!! All you had to do is tell me you can't love me the way you loved her, I would've been fine with that. I would've been fine....... Just go, leave."

And this is the first time Jeongyeon has heard Mina raise her voice, the first time she saw her breakdown and cry. Her heartache but it was her fault things got to this point. Jeongyeon grabbed her keys and started walking away. Mina continues to shed tears.

JY : "Mina I love you too."

Mina turns around to find Jeongyeon standing just right outside her door

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Mina turns around to find Jeongyeon standing just right outside her door.

JY : "I love you too but not in a way you do. I love you and your someone precious to me. I didn't tell you that I knew because I didn't want to lose you, not you Mina, I know I was selfish. I didn't want to see you breakdown, I didn't want to see you like this. I thought I was doing you a favor, I thought I was protecting your heart but it ended like this, I still broke you. I lied because I knew if I tell you I still love her it'll break your heart. I wanted you to at least have some time to move on." The taller girl cries.

"And maybe this is the right thing, for now, I should've been a better friend to you. I should have told you right away and not just give you warnings. You're too precious Mina, and loving someone like me would be unfair for you. It's like picking used clothing along the way instead of buying a new one. Mina you deserve more me, you deserve someone who'll put you first. I understand, everything is my fault and there's no excuse for what I did. I'm sorry I've hurt you, I'm sorry Mina." She said whit takking a bow.

Jeongyeon didn't move from where she was, she just bowed until she sees the door closes in front of her.

Finally the girl who loves to make up lies has said the truth. 

On the other side of the door Mina fell on the floor, she holds her chest as she feels this extreme pain in her heart. She cries out loud about something she's not even sure of. Tonight there's no one to protect her, no one to tell her it's okay and no one to take the fall.

Tonight it's just Myoui Mina and her broken heart.


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