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And it seems like everyone just believed that Mina was sick, well, there's at least one person who has her own doubt. Today after practice Chaeyoung  finally has the chance to visit her unnie. She bought a lot of fruits and food, she even bought vitamins. (A/N Same time when Nayeon went to see Jeongyeon Chapter 44)


Chaeyoung continued to knock on the door, she's been trying to call her phone but the girl wouldn't answer. Maybe she really is sick, so she decided to leave the things she brought and just a message to Mina about it, she was about to go when the door suddenly opened.

Mina has opened the door, Chaeyoung didn't need to look the second time. She notices right away how the Japanese's eyes are swollen, her hair was uncombed and she's just in an oversized shirt. Far from the elegant Mina they all knew.

 Far from the elegant Mina they all knew

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MN : "Hey come in." Chaeyoung just followed the older girl.

MN : "What brought you here?"

Mina smiles and Chaeyoung's heartbreak. It broke her to see that Mina had lost the smile she always has.

CY : "I-I brought some medicine, Jihyo unnie told us your sick."

MN : "Haha I don't think there's a medication for a pain like this." It's too obvious the girl has been shattered apart.

"Please don't look at me with those sad eyes." Chaeyoung wants to tell her but couldn't.

But Chaeyoung took a while to notice how Mina's cheeks are red, if it wasn't for the empty bottles of soju in the kitchen she wouldn't know that Mina is intoxicated.

CY : "I should go unnie, you probably want to be alone."

MN : "If your not busy can you stay? I'm getting tired of talking to myself."

Chaeyoung didn't know how to say no to her, she said yes and put the things she borught on the table. Mina just watches her from the sofa, a few minutes more Mina started to cry out of nowhere. She curled on the sofa and Chaeyoung's heart starts to break, she knew she's late the girl had already fallen.

CY : "Unnie you should lay in bed."

The older girl didn't answer she just closed her eyes while she sobs silently. Chaeyoung couldn't take it anymore. She picked her up like a princess, carried her to the bed and the older girl just settled in her, she cries in her chest. Chaeyoung wasn't able to hold the tears anymore, this time she cries with Mina.

After getting the older girl in bed Chaeyoung just sat on the floor with her back pressed against Mina's bed. She wanted to turn and face the older girl but she knew it wouldn't be the best idea to watch the older girl cry besides she can't let Mina see her crying. Chaeyoung starts humming, to let Mina know that she was still there, that she's just right there.

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