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*Trigger Warning*

After a long day of practice, Jihyo let them go home early for the day. She wants them to enjoy the weekend before their practice games at Pohang next week. Jeongyeon managed to arrive at her place before the sun sets, a first for a long time.


By this time coming home to a quiet place is more surprising for her.

By this time coming home to a quiet place is more surprising for her

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"You're home early." The girl welcomed her.

JY : "Jihyo let us go earlier today." She said going straight to the bathroom as if nothing was weird like everything was a normal day-to-day scenario.

After a lengthy bath she needed, she laid in bed and fell asleep. Her bed was weirdly softer than it usually does. It's been a while since she slept like this slowly and all at once. This time it's not because she got tired of crying and without any help from alcohol.


Yoo Jeongyeon is a light sleeper, well, it's not how it used to be but when the older girl left and she woke up finding an empty space next to her, she regretted how she always sleeps deeply. You can't blame her, ever since she met her all she did was trust her.

When the girl left her with just a single note saying "Sorry, I can't do this anymore." She started sleeping lightly. Even the slightest movement and the quietest noise can wake her up now.

But how come when it comes to Im Nayeon she's always failing to wake up at the right time? Because when Jeongyeon opened her eyes she didn't see even the shadow of the girl, it's like the girl that she came home to was just part of a dream. Today after 7 years her heart feels the same way it did when she didn't find the older girl that Tuesday morning. She wasn't looking for her, no. Don't get her wrong, It's just she wants to check every corner of her house in case the girl is playing a prank on her. Indeed, the older disappeared again but there's one thing different from that morning. Jeongyeon found a note sticking in her refrigerator door

"I didn't want to wake you up, you look tired. You can eat the food I made tomorrow, I put it inside. Good night Jeong. I'll see you on Monday." -Nayeon

Even though she wasn't looking for her, Jeongyeon felt relieved that she found her letter. And a thought crosses her mind, it's just wishful thinking..... If only this was the same note she got 7 years ago, everything would have been better.

Jeongyeon heats the food the older girl has made, she sat on her couch, and somehow her place feels more empty than how it always use to. She took a bite while she stares at the dark sky. If she didn't saw the teardrops on her pants she wouldn't notice that she was crying. She didn't know why, maybe she's just having a bad night.

She wanted to go back to sleep but something was keeping her from doing so. So she decided to go out but she didn't know what to do or where to go, lately, she didn't have any urge to drink. If it's not the bar there's only one place she runs to, she went to the gym. She thought she could use a late-night exercise but to her surprise she found the older girl sitting up in the bleachers.

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