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Dahyun patiently waits for Momo, she didn't notice the time until she saw the sun setting. It was quarter to 6 and she didn't realize she sat in the same place for a whole day. But if she has to wait until it's dark, she'll do it. She wanted to fix it before the day ends.

She was looking at the sky when she heard the door opening, she saw Momo.

DH : "Unnie."

The Japanese quickly closed the door and run away. Dahyun didn't let another minute go, she started running after the older girl.

DH : "Unnie!"

But Momo didn't stop, she runs as fast as she could, forgetting that the girl following her was an athlete. Dahyun grabbed her hand.

DH : "Unnie, can we talk? I'm sorry, can you tell me what happened?"

MM : "What for?? You already said it was a mistake." She said facing the younger girl, her cheeks are starting to get red.

DH : "I'm sorry unnie, I couldn't remember anything from that day... And I was afraid I did something to you."

MM : "Just forget it Dahyun."

DH : "Unnie...." She holds her tighter

MM : "Arraso, let me go and I'll tell you what happened."


Momo was in the process of tucking her in bed when Dahyun suddenly held her cheeks, Momo thought she's gonna kiss her, she was too shock she just stood still. But suddenly Dahyun throws up, greasing the lower part of her dress. The worst part of it, was the younger girl hugged her after, staining her suit.

 The worst part of it, was the younger girl hugged her after, staining her suit

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MM : "Dahyun-ah are you okay?"

DH : "Hai!!!!"

Momo let her down, she grab wet towels and cleaned Dahyun's face. After that she started taking off her clothes she wanted to change them to her pajama but Dahyun was moving so much it was impossible, so she left her in her underwear. Momo then looked for a shirt and pants that she could borrow before she leaves.

DH : "Unnie where are you going?"

MM : "I have to go home Dahyun-ah."

Without saying another word Dahyun pulled her into bed.

MM : "Hyun I have to go, I haven't even put any pants on."

DH : "Unnie can you stay here with me?"

Momo felt her heart beating crazy, she hasn't been this close to Dahyun ever since they met, let alone the younger girl is hugging her in bed.

DH : "Let's sleep unnie."

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