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Seeing Im Nayeon every day is a constant reminder to Jeongyeon, that she cannot have everything in life. Because she has the money, her dream job, friends, and family but she'll never know what genuine happiness feels like until she gets upset whenever she sees the older girl.

Yoo Jeongyeon has too much hatred in her she doesn't even know how to live a day not cursing at the older girl and maybe Jihyo and Mina are right, she still hasn't let go of the memories she has with Nayeon.


Jeongyeon was on her way out after some extra hour of practice. It's been some time since she came back and it seems she's getting used to seeing someone she wants to forget.

JY : "How long are you planning to stand there, in this cold?

Jeongyeon stops in her tracks she didn't have to look back, she knows when she's being watched

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Jeongyeon stops in her tracks she didn't have to look back, she knows when she's being watched. In fact, she knew it since the older girl started doing this.

JY : "If you want to watch then step inside just don't disturb me. I don't want to hear Jihyo scolding me for something I'm not responsible for."

"I'm sorry, I knew you wouldn't want me near you."

JY : "You knew but you're still here? Tell me, are you perhaps stalking me?"

"Ani.... Uhm do you want to grab some dinner?"

JY : "Don't get ahead of yourself just because you can talk to me doesn't mean I trust you. I'm just tired of lashing out whenever I see you but that doesn't mean I forgot everything you did. Besides I'm just talking to you because I didn't want to worry Jihyo. Is that the only reason why you're always waiting for me?"

Nayeon didn't answer back, everything Jeongyeon said felt like rocks that are being thrown at her. The way she sounds so mean just makes it a lot worse. All she could do is watch the taller girl's back.

JY : "I know, you're always waiting for me to go home, wae?"

"I was just hoping we could talk."

JY : "What for? We already talked and aren't we talking now?"

"I want to talk to you properly..."

Jeongyeon chuckles "You know what? Your still the stubborn girl from ages ago...." She then became serious. "But if you're just gonna tell me the same excuse you said then forget it. I don't want to hear it anymore." She starts walking away.

"Jeong, I told you I'm gonna do everything it takes. If it means I should wait in this cold I will. I won't stop until we fix this"

Jeongyeon stood there for a good minute before opening her mouth again.

YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now