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The next morning Mina woke up with her living room spotless, Jeongyeon didn't even leave a single marker that she was here last night. She has this terrible headache as if she was the one who drunk way too much alcohol last night. With everything happening she might as well just drink too.

When she got to her kitchen, Jeongyeon already prepared her breakfast with a note saying "Sorry and thank you." again. Mina chuckles while she massaged her temples, she thought Jeongyeon's been saying sorry for the wrong thing for a while now, she's sorry for crashing at her place whenever she gets drunk but she never even apologize for making Mina feel this way.

"Why would she? She's not even aware of her surroundings." Mina said to herself.


Jeongyeon woke up with discomfort in her heart, nothing new. It always feels like this after a night of drinking. She looked at her phone and it was just 3 in the morning, it's Tuesday. She sighed, she hates Tuesday, she hates waking up every day but Tuesday's hit differently than other days. She got up and started cleaning when she finished she made breakfast, a little thank you for last night.

She steals a glance at the sleeping doctor before leaving the place. The first thing she did when arriving back at her place was to run a couple of laps outside. She didn't mind if it's still dark and cold, she knew there's no way she could go back to sleep.


When Jeongyeon arrived at the gym, she was surprised to hear something inside.

JY : "Woah... You're early today smol."

CY : "Haha I woke up early, I thought of just going straight to practice."

Jeongyeon changed into her practice clothes and joined the smaller girl.

CY : "Did you have fun last night?"

CY : "Did you have fun last night?"

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JY : "Huh?"

CY : "What's with the cute band-aid?" She said pointing at Jeongyeon's wound.

JY : "Haha oh I just bump into something."

CY : "Is this something  knows how to breathe?"

JY : "Hahaha no comment."

CY : "You know you can always ask one of us to come with you."

JY : "I didn't want to disturb any of you."

CY : "Who says so? Haha we love alcohol as much as you do."

JY : "Hahaha jinja? Last time the 5 of us went outside Jihyo and I have to drive you, Dahyun back home. Good thing Sana came to pick up her girlfriend."

YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now