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Nayeon's been coming early a lot lately hoping she'll see Jeongyeon or at least get the chance to talk to Jihyo. The smaller girl is usually the last one to arrive, goes straight to her office and it's too obvious she's avoiding Nayeon.

NY : "Good morning Ji."

JH : "Morning Ms. Im"

Just like any other day, Jihyo coldly greeted her and walks away.

JH : "Uhm.. Are you leaving for the afternoon? I have something to discuss with you, can we talk later?" She stops and looked back at her.

NY : "I have a meeting this morning but I'm free after. If it's something important I can cancel my morning schedule and we can talk now."

JH : "No need for that it can wait."

NY : "Arraso, I'll be back soon as I'm done with work."

Jihyo just nodded back, It was the longest conversation they had ever since the day Nayeon came back. On the other hand, It could be just about work but Nayeon would take all the chances she could get.

JH : "By the way, Jeongyeon's coming back today. Please give her some space, I hope you understand." She said before leaving.

A few minutes later and Jeongyeon did come in. Everyone went to greet her but the older girl, she just stood as far as she could. Keeping what Jihyo has asked her in mind.

Nayeon watches how Jeongyeon's mood lightens up with everyone around. She wanted to cry so bad but she wasn't sure why since there's a lot of reason for her to feel this way.

 She wanted to cry so bad but she wasn't sure why since there's a lot of reason for her to feel this way

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When everyone was done saying hi and asking how she was practice continued like always. Nothing's new, the girls are so used to her they don't even ask her what happened anymore. Jeongyeon disappearing for days is not an issue for them, besides being like a family, the girls know how hard Jeongyeon makes herself work for the practices she missed.

CY : "Not going home yet hyung?"

JY : "Well, I just got back. I have to make up for the days I skipped, mianhe."

DH : "Don't worry about it, we didn't even notice you're not around haha."

JY : "Yah...."

DH : "I'm just kidding of course we miss you."

JY : "Well, I miss all of you. It's been quiet lately I thought I was gonna go insane haha. Any plans for tonight?"

CY : "I'm picking Doc at the airport. She asked me to......"

TY : "Liar everyone saw how you volunteer to pick her up or should I say how you begged for it? Haha, she said she's fine with a taxi but you insisted you have time."

YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now