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Everything was just a vivid memory for Nayeon, when she woke up that day she has this terrible headache. She was still in her work clothes, she remembers it was a busy day at work and there are too many things she was thinking about. She remembers Jeongyeon picking her up but there's one thing she wasn't sure, she thought she heard the taller girl say something about them. She wanted to talk to her, to confirm what she heard but she couldn't find a time to visit.

On the other hand, Jeongyeon's been out of it for days, she wasn't talking to anyone and no one wouldn't dare to ask her why. Not Jihyo, not Mina. Because they knew the girl would just lie about it.

Because Yoo Jeongyeon loves to lie.

Because Yoo Jeongyeon loves to lie

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Lately, Mina's been noticing how her place feels different, how her sofa feels stiffer. Maybe it's because no one's been sleeping on it lately.


The Japanese wasn't expecting anyone but somehow she feels like she already knows who is on the other side of the door. Indeed, when she open it, Jeongyeon was standing right in front of her.

MN : "What are you doing here?"

JY : "I still owe you right?" She said raising a bag.

MN : "Chicken wings?"

JY : "Chicken wings with..."

JY, MN : "Ketchup." They said at the same time.

MN : "Haha arraso come in."

JY : "Woah, that's new."

MN : "Ehh?"

JY : "Well, you usually throw a fit before you invite me in."

MN : "This is different. I think I know why you're here. So are you gonna stand there or what?"

Jeongyeon smiles at her and walks inside. She settles on the floor and mina went to grab some drinks.

JY : "No beer?"

MN : "Sorry but this is not a bar. I only have water and juice."

JY : "Haha I didn't say I want it."

The two continued having their late-night snack. Enjoying the company of each other while they let the TV run an old movie. Until Jeongyeon starts to notice that's it has been quiet for a while.

 Until Jeongyeon starts to notice that's it has been quiet for a while

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YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now