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Nayeon wiped her eyes and made her way back after Jeongyeon vanishes from her sight. She wanted to grab her car and just follow the taller girl but she left everyone inside the gym. Jihyo was standing right outside the door looking at her.

NY : "Ji, I'm sorry."

JH : "Let's just get this over with Ms. Im."

When she and Jihyo came back inside everyone but the 3 people who knew what was happening, was still puzzled. She was about to tell them the truth when Jihyo steps up.

JH : "Haha sorry guys, Jeongyeon said she suddenly feel sick and went straight home. You know your captain, forget about her for now. As I was saying a while ago, this is Im Nayeon she's the new CEO of Kim Tech and also the new team owner, and if you wondering why, yes, we know her. She's a high school friend of ours. Now that that's been taken care of, let's finish practice so we could all go home. I'm pretty sure Mina tire you guys out."

SM : "You bet she did."

MN : "I just did what I've been asked."

The girls went back to practice, Mina sits next to Momo and Sana.

"Hi, I'm Im Nayeon." She offered her hand.

"Hello Dr. Myoui Mina, I'm the team physical therapist. Nice to have you here Ms. Im." She said shaking the other girl's hand.

NY : "Please call me Nayeon, Dr. Myoui."

MN : "If you insist,then you can call me Mina." She smiled. "Uhm about Jeongyeon, sorry for the way she acted. She has something going inside her head, so there's a day that she's like that. What am I talking about? You know her, you probably knew about it."

NY : "Actually I don't, thank you for letting me know." She smiled awkwardly.

SN : "Oh Nayeon unnie, I didn't notice you there."

MN : "Unnie??"

NY : "Haha I asked her to drop formalities

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NY : "Haha I asked her to drop formalities. By the way, I've been wondering why the two of you are here."

SN : "Well, can you see that tall girl? Number 25?"

NY : "Ohh her name is Tzuyu right? She look so beautiful."

SN : "Sorry to rain on your parade but she's taken... By me."

MM : "As if she cares...." She whispered.

NY : "I see, haha no worries I've already found someone long time ago. Oh and Momo?"

SN : "She's here for Dahyun."

MM : "Yah Satang!"

SN : "What? Is it a lie? Even Mina knows it."

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