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Chaeyoung couldn't stop but to peak at the girl next to her.

JY : "Stop it, you're driving."

CY : "Are you sure you're okay???"

JY : "I am. I just need some bandage and I'll be fine, don't worry about me."

CY : "I still think you're stupid."

JY : "Haha I am. I am."

CY : "But... If you see Mina unnie can you talk to her again?"

JY : "What for?"

CY : "It's been days and I'm sure you two could talk about it again. Maybe make it less painful?"

JY : "Arraso. Chaeng sorry."

CY : "Pabo, I still hate you for hiding it from her but thank you for telling her the truth."

JY : "I should've told her sooner."

CY : "You should've! That's why you'll be the most stupid person this year."

JY : "Hai, hai." She pats Chaeyoung's head.

CY : "And I'm... I'm sorry again, for doing something stupid."

JY : "Stop saying sorry, I told you you did the right thing. I would be worried if you weren't there for mina. Give her some time okay? She'll come around."

CY : "As if I'm going to run away. She can't stop me, I'll be around for her."

JY : "Haha I guess you really outgrow me. Who would've thought that the girl who loves to play around would say something like that? You've surpassed me a long time ago Chaeng." The older girl smiled at her.

Jeongyeon knew from the start Chaeyoung has always looked up at her

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Jeongyeon knew from the start Chaeyoung has always looked up at her. That's why she's happy she could finally tell Chaeyoung how a great lady she has become.


When they arrived, the doctor has to do an urgent suturing to stop the bleeding. It was good that t was just a small cut, she could go home after her papers are settled.

The two continued talking like Jeongyeon's eyebrow didn't explode. Chaeyoung starts to understand Jeongyeon's decision a little bit more.

"Excuse me where is Yoo Jeongyeon's room????"

Jenogyeon could hear the frantic voice looking for her but she couldn't see clearly who it was.

JY : "Is that?"

CY : "Nayeon unnie, she'll kill me if I didn't tell her... And I called one more person. She'll be here soon."

Nayeon catches a glimpse of the two of them. She hurriedly runs over to them and there she saw Jeongyeon's eyebrow covered with a bandage and her shirt stained with blood.

YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now