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When Jeongyeon woke up Nayeon was already gone, unlike the usual thing the older girl does. There was no cooked food in her fridge. She thought of trying to talk things through with Nayeon. Maybe give it another chance, but the girl is elusive. She couldn't catch her for a whole week.

It was just a matter of time, a matter of who gets to do their first move. Unfortunately for Jeongyeon, Nayeon has thought about this a million times and she has already made up her mind.


It's been a week since Mina had finally taken the load in her heart, it's been weeks of non-stop work but it's fine. Jeongyeon would come by and say hi and of course Chaeyoung wouldn't miss the chance to invite her to go out whenever she cans. But today she had to stay to finish some work, someone knocks at her door but it isn't the usual small girl who patiently waits until she finishes her work.

NY : "Mianhe, are you expecting someone?"

MN : "Aniyo, please come in unnie."

NY : "Thank you Mina."

MN : "What brought you here unnie?"

NY : "Well, I came to deliver your dinner. I heard you've been working overtime lately.... And to apologize. I know I made things harder for you." She said sitting.

MN : "Huh?"

NY : "I know you like Jeongyeon. I'm sorry."

MN : "You don't have to apologize for something like that. It's not like you did something wrong."

NY : "Now I understand why Jeong like you :)"

Mina looks at the older girl, she didn't know where she got this idea and somehow things feel uncomfortable. Like there's something the older girl wants to say.

 Like there's something the older girl wants to say

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NY : "You're kind and selfless unlike me. You're everything that I never been to her....." She continues. "Beside apologizing I came here to tell you I'm leaving, I'm going back to Sydney tomorrow."

MN : "Tomorrow??? Wae? Why are you leaving when everything between you two is starting to get better? Why when you're almost back together? Don't do this to her, not again unnie. She'll never make it this time."

NY : "Everything might be better but we're nowhere near on getting back together. To be honest, It's nothing like that. Jeongyeon wouldn't say it but I can tell. I know her since we were little."

MN : "Unnie."

NY : "I'm pretty sure she likes you Mina. If I didn't come back you two would've probably been together now. I know it's not gonna be me again. I had my chance and I blew it. Returning just messed everything, it even made things worst for her."

YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now