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The trip back to Mina's place was quiet, of course, Chaeyoung won't ask her what happened between her and Jeongyeon. She knows she can only do much behind the scene.

MN : "Why did you do that?" The girl asked out of nowhere.

CY : "What?"

MN : "I know what really happened Chaeng."

CY : "I'm sorry unnie, when I saw you like that I couldn't bear it. I don't know why I just drove off and before I knew it I was already on top of her beating her up."

MN : "So you knew?"

CY : "Sorry unnie, I do. I didn't want to say anything since I didn't want to interfere."

MN : "Is that the reason why you're always around? Because you know things will end up like that this?"

CY : "Of course not unnie. I have my reasons too. And you know you'll always have me by your side even if things like this didn't happen. I'll still be here for you."

Chaeyoung held her hand and Mina can even see the smile on the younger girl's face. The warm and comforting one.

And maybe Chaeyoung said too much Mina started to cry.

CY : "It still hurt right? You know you don't have to hold back with me. You can cry all you want and I won't say a thing. Don't rush yourself, it'll take a while until the pain goes away. But don't ever think you're alone. I'm here and I'll always be here for you."

"It'll be okay unnie." The smaller girl smiles at her. "Everything will be okay."

And never did Mina heard Chaeyoung say she should stop crying or she should just forget about the pain and move on

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And never did Mina heard Chaeyoung say she should stop crying or she should just forget about the pain and move on. All Chaeyoung did since the beginning was tell her everything's gonna be fine and stay by her side through the whole time she cries.

This is when Mina realizes why the night she breaks down was so painful compared to the other times she cried for Jeongyeon. It was painful because it was the first time Chaeyoung didn't show up.

Tonight it's Myoui Mina, her broken heart, and Son Chaeyoung.


Jeongyeon lay in the stretcher while the two of them wait for the go-signal from her doctor. Nayeon had burrowed some wet gauze from the nurse, she started cleaning Jeongyeon's face. The blood on it was almost dry it's hard to clean.

Nayeon looks at Jeongyeon who has her eyes closed, she started crying. She never wanted to see Jeongyeon like this, never wanted for the girl to get hurt. She silently cries while she continues to wipe her face. Bites her lips so she could stop the sobs she was about to make.

She had to stop when the doctor came in and sign them off, Jeongyeon didn't notice. She's a bit drossy from all the medication that they have given to her. When they got to the car, Jeongyeon just sat and close her eyes. It was a good thing that the place Jeongyeon stays in has a spare wheelchair. With this, it'll be easier for her and Nayeon. The girl took her straight to bed and sat next to her, Nayeon holds her hand and gently rubs it, she thought the taller girl was already sleeping.

JY : "You know earlier I almost passed out." She said with her eyes still closed. "I just couldn't because I knew that it'll freak Chaeyoung out. But I didn't feel any pain, my body was light and it felt like I was stuck between the sky and the ground. I started thinking of stupid things."

"I started imagining the things that could've happened. I... I saw you Nayeon... You're the first thing that came up to my mind. I saw a future with you, and I thought maybe I was dying from loss of blood because someone up there is already showing me that what could've been, what future we could've if we stayed together. It was a short period of time, I was even conscious but it felt like an eternity to me, I was there and you were there. I thought what you said was right, if you didn't leave we could've been married now. Who knows? We might have our little one now. We'll probably have the most amazing life because you know. You and me, we're just a perfect match."

Nayeon starts to cry and so did Jeongyeon. The older girl wiped the tears from the girl who was laying.

JY : "I can't believe we missed our chance, I can't believe that it'll be hard for us to go back. Nayeon I love you, you know that right?? I love you but I'm scared of the things that could happen in the future. I'm being eaten by the fear... I just want the pain to end Nay...."

Nayeon holds her hand tight, her lips were shaking and she's on verge of breaking down. Jeongyeon has passed out, it could be that the medicine has finally gotten the better of her. She looks at Jeongyeon and then she understands, she gets it now. Although she's happy to hear that Jeongyeon is still in love with her, things are harder for both of them now. She knew if she stays longer Jeongyeon would never be genuinely happy, she knows she'll only hurt her.

Nayeon wants Jeongyeon to be happy if it's with Mina then she'll support it.

But she's not ready to see Jeongyeon in someone else's hand

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But she's not ready to see Jeongyeon in someone else's hand. So, in order to be happy for the girl, that she treated like her world, even if it's the worst thing there is. Nayeon thought of leaving again, a solution to all their problems. Nayeon is ready to make the sacrifice.

If she goes now, Jeongyeon would still have a chance.

A chance to be happy again.


(A/N ) The only question left is will Jeongyeon be able to stop Nayeon from leaving? Or would it end in the most sad way? Well, just have to wait for the next update which will also be the ending. Hoping you guys won't be disappointed haha I don't know if it's a good enough ending for this long drama HAHA. See you next time, have a great day everyone! Stay Safe and Healthy!

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