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Jihyo gave the girls time off for the day, she wants them to have all the time to prepare for the ball and she knew it'll be a mistake to let them attend after a day of practice. She learned that the hard way 3 years ago, when the girls fell asleep in the middle of the program since all of them were tired.

But ever since she woke up this morning there's something that was bothering her. After lunch, she left and went to check the gym. There she found her best friend practicing, It's not really surprising to see Jeongyeon here anymore.

JH : "Aish I knew you'll be here."

JY : "And what are you doing here? You should get ready."

JH : "I should ask you the same thing. I'm here to tell you to go home take a nice bath and be there at the right time."

JY : "Ehhh? I'll be there you didn't have to get me."

JH : "I obviously had to. Here." She said handing her clothes.

JY : "What's this?"

JH : "Pabo-yah? It's your suit for tonight."

JY : "I can wear my old one you didn't have to get me a new one."

JH : "Your gonna wear that same white stripe, aren't you? This is much better, it'll be a delight to everyone to see you in something new from time to time."

JY : "What do you mean? I always look good, I can wear my jersey in a restaurant and people would still think I look great

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JY : "What do you mean? I always look good, I can wear my jersey in a restaurant and people would still think I look great."

JH : "That's because you're famous pabo. If you weren't, people would think your just crazy."

JY : "Ehhhhh? With this face?" She said pointing at herself

JH : "Yes with that face. Go get your things, I'm not leaving until you are."

JY : "Arraso, I'll be back in a minute."

When Jeongyeon got out of the locker room, Jihyo pulled her to her motorcycle. Drive behind her until they got on the highway.


And just like how Jihyo predicted, Jeongyeon came in late.

And just like how Jihyo predicted, Jeongyeon came in late

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YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now