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One person knew what was happening when Jeongyeon suddenly left in the middle of a game. The taller girl just excused herself to the restroom but the worries in her eyes were too obvious for Mina. 

She knew Jeongyeon was looking for someone.

When the game was over, Mina went outside, she wanted to make sure Jeongyeon comes back safe. She stood right outside the door while the rain pours down. Lately, she's feeling a lot more pain, compared to just seeing Jeongyeon crying this time she's feeling her own pain. It would take a while until she catches a glimpse of the taller girl and as expected she was right.

Jeongyeon went to look for Nayeon.

Mina feels her heart stings, it's like thorns are being hammered in it. Again, she couldn't move, it always happens when the two of them are together. Her eyes start to well, it's like something got into it.

The closer they get the more painful it feels

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The closer they get the more painful it feels.

And maybe this is for the best, maybe if she watches them right now she'll be able to sleep and forget about it, about her feelings, about Jeongyeon. She watches as the two carefully walk under this heavy rain until a hand-blocked her sight.

"If it's painful, close your eyes. You don't have to look at them...." A soft comforting voice said.

There's only one person who shows up on time like this, one person who always tries to protect her. It's always that one person who sees her breakdown and pretend she didn't know anything after. She knows who this gentle voice belongs to.

Son Chaeyoung always shows up at the right time.

Mina was just overwhelmed with everything and how the so-called love can kill you differently

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Mina was just overwhelmed with everything and how the so-called love can kill you differently. The tears finally fell, Chaeyoung patiently stood behind her covering her eyes. She wanted to cry with her, Mina is precious she didn't deserve any of this.

Myoui Mina didn't deserve the pain she's feeling right now.


It was a good thing the two older girls went in through the first door, they didn't saw how broken the Japanese were.

CY : "You should go back to your room. I'll tell them you don't good."

MN : "I'm okay Chaeng, I'll be okay." She said wiping her tears.

CY : "Don't force yourself unnie, it's okay to be not okay sometimes." She said patting Mina's head.

Everyone was in their position for their last game of the day when Chaeyoung and Mina came back. Chaeyoung runs over to the court as she continues stealing glances at the Japanese girl, another person couldn't keep her eyes away from the bleacher.

Jeongyeon steal glances from Nayeon from time to time, and although the girl has already stopped crying her eyes were still puffy. Jeongyeon feels something uncomfortable in her heart. The girls continued to play, they were up by 3 when....


Jeongyeon landed on Jisoo's feet, twisting her ankle leaving her laying on the court.

JS : "Jeong are you okay????" The older girl crouch in front of her.

It wasn't intentional, Jisoo we'll never do something like that. She's one of the most gentle players in the league and even Jeongyeon knows that, in fact, Jeongyeon knows who's to blame. 

It was her fault for losing focus on their game.

Jeongyeon nodded back, Mina came to assess the situation. She asked the girls to carry their captain to the bench. Out of all the people who saw her fall on the ground, one run like her life depends on it. Nayeon didn't even take 5 minutes to reach Jeongyeon.

MN : "Jeong are you okay?"

Jeongyeon stayed silent and just nodded at the doctor. She put a towel on her face and didn't say a word, she's not the type to complain anyway but Nayeon notices something the rest of the girls didn't. Well, Nayeon knows her more than anyone. 

She saw how Jeongyeon is trying hard to stop the trembling of her hands.

Even before, Jeongyeon has always loved Volleyball more than anything. She takes care of herself just to avoid injuries. Nayeon understands how Jeongyeon's feeling right, the captain is probably afraid to lose this one thing she treasures so much. Slowly she makes her way in the taller girl's back, Jihyo watches everything unfold. She has seen this a million times before and it's always amazing to watch.

Nayeon is the only one that could calm Jeongyeon.

"Breathe in...."

"Breathe out...."

The girls looked at Nayeon who had her hands on Jeongyeon's shoulder.

"Breathe in...."

"Breathe out...."

Everyone saw how their captain's shoulder follow what the older girl says. Mina just watches how Nayeon makes everything better for Jeongyeon. She watches at something she probably couldn't do even after spending all those years in med school.

"Breathe in...."

"Breathe out...."

Jeongyeon couldn't hear anything other than Naeyon's voice right now. It's like they're not in the gym, that no hundred people are watching them. That it's just her and Nayeon right now.

 That it's just her and Nayeon right now

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"Breathe in...."

"Breathe out...."

The taller girl then lift her head and rested it on Nayeon's stomach. The older girl moves the towel in her head and cup her cheeks, and said.

"Jeong you got this. You'll be fine."

Jihyo chuckles, Jeongyeon thought she's good at pretending that she doesn't care about Nayeon. When the truth is everyone starting to notice how Nayeon affects her. Mina got up and told them it wasn't that serious, that she'll probably have to seat this game and the last day of practice.

This is when Mina accepted it's time to forget about the feelings she has for Jeongyeon, it's time for her to move on.


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