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The next thing she does after cooking some pancakes was check on Mina before leaving for training. When she got to the gym Jeongyeon wasn't there, she didn't know why but she was fuming. Maybe it's the thought that the older girl could be relaxing right now, that maybe she doesn't really care about how Mina feels but whatever reason why she's skipping today Chaeyoung thought it was unfair.

How come Mina is the only one who gets to suffer from the pain?

Practice ended late, before Chaeyoung knew it, she was already standing in front of Jeongyeon's place. She didn't know why but when she got to her car her hands just started moving on their own. She knocks on the door and the moment the older girl opened the door, Chaeyoung jumps at her leaving the door wide open. 

The smaller girl started throwing punch letting her frustration go and Jeongyeon seems to have no intention to fight back, instead, she just laid there and let the girl on top of her smash her fist in her face.

The smaller girl started throwing punch letting her frustration go and Jeongyeon seems to have no intention to fight back, instead, she just laid there and let the girl on top of her smash her fist in her face

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If there's someone who knows what's Mina's feeling it'll be this girl. The girl who has always been by Mina's side. And maybe this is the reason why she unconsciously went here, why she's on top of Jeongyeon beating the life out of her.

Jeongyeon knew exactly why Chaeyoung is here. The smaller girl didn't say a word just continued pouncing on her face. Until Jeongyeon's left eyebrow exploded. Her face was full of blood and Chaeyoung's knuckles were stained with it. It just when Chaeyoung notices how the older girl below her stayed still and quiet the whole time, she hates it. She hates how calm Jeongyeon is right now.

Chaeyoung grabs her shirt and looked at her bloody face.

CY : "Waeyo!?!" She asked in frustration.

CY : "Come on land a punch! Get your stupid ass up and beat me up!"

But Jeongyeon didn't answer back, she could barely open her left eye with the blood flowing down her eyes.

CY : "WAEYO?!" She asks again.

CY : "You f*cking knew right? You know she's in love with you and this is what you have to do? You're right when you said the one she likes doesn't deserve her. You f*cking didn't deserve someone like her."

Jeongyeon understands where all the anger is coming from, Jeongyeon knows how much Chaeyoung loves Mina.

CY : "And you know what's more painful? I didn't say anything because I believed in you! I didn't stop her because I trust you! Because I thought you know better than anyone else, you know how it's painful to get left behind by the person you love the most. I thought you'll be gentle with her. If you didn't love her you should've told her from the start! You should've let her go carefully! Stop treating her like she's some kind of a consolation prize!"

 If you didn't love her you should've told her from the start! You should've let her go carefully! Stop treating her like she's some kind of a consolation prize!"

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YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now