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MN : "Hey dork, I'm back."

JY : "So?"

MN : "Arasso, I'm not giving you your black meat."

JY : "So much.... I missed you so much haha."

MN : "You only care if there's a souvenir involve. I'll give it to you later, where's the others?"

JY : "They're probably changing in the locker room."

MN : "And when did those two became close?"

Jeongyeon looked at where Mina was pointing, she saw Jihyo and that girl talking and laughing.

JY : "Haha those two have always been close."

MN : "Then why do they look like they were avoiding each other the past weeks? Did they fight or something?"

JY : "Whatever it is, it looks like they resolved it."

MN : "Ohhhh so why are you in a good mood? That's new haha."

Jeongyeon didn't notice it but she was actually smiling while she was saying those things. There's no question about it, Jeongyeon hates that girl but she was happy for Jihyo. At least one of them got to fix what was once broken.

JY : "Hahaha because you're back."

MN : "As if, I bet you only want me back because you have no one to run to."

JY : "Of course not, ask Jihyo. I've been behaving a lot lately."

MN : "I doubt it."

CY : "Unnie!!!!!!!!" Chaeyoung shout while running to where Jeongyeon and Mina was. Even Jihyo and the CEO was shocked by her.

RJ : "Calm down unnie."

SM : "It's not like you didn't see her yesterday."

CU : "Ehhhh?"

DH : "Maja, maja, our prince charming here went to pick up her princess yesterday."

Mina chuckles at what Dahyun said.

LIA : "Is that why she was rushing to finish practice?"

SU : "Obviously haha."

CY : "Yah! You guys know me I'm just energetic."

YN : "You don't greet me like that."

CH : "Same here."

YJ : "You just tell us sup and walk away."

TY : "She thinks she's cool that way but we all know she's not hahaha."

Cheayoung's ear started to turn red while Mina just laughs at how the team was teasing the smaller girl.

SJ : "Hahaha kids, let your unnie breathe."

JH : "Maja, so what if she treats Mina differently? It's not our fault she's prettier than us."

JY : "Hahaha couldn't argue with that."

CY : "Yah! Practice! Practice! Let's forget everything and go to practice."


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When practice ended, Jeongyeon stayed for a little bit. She still wants to make up for the days she wasn't around. Jihyo couldn't say no to her, so she let her be and left with the rest of the girls. The moment she stepped out of the gym, she felt the cold breeze in her skin, it's almost dark and it's a good day,


Jeongyeon didn't have to look back, she's well aware of who owns this voice since it's the same voice that keeps on waking her up in the middle of the night.

"Jeong, can we talk?" The girl asked.

She wasn't having it, she wouldn't stop for anyone especially if it this girl. Until the older girl run in front of her, making her stop in her tracks.

"I know you hate me but can you please give me a chance to explain?"

And out of all the days, this girl would ask her for a talk, why does it have to be on a good day? why does it have to be on a Tuesday?

Because Yoo Jeongyeon hates Tuesday.

It was a calm Tuesday morning when she woke up alone in her bed. If it wasn't for her wondering hand she wouldn't notice that there's no one beside her. She hates Tuesday out of all the days in the week because it reminded her of the peaceful sleep she had not knowing she'll wake up in a nightmare.


The anger inside her was building up, it was too much she couldn't help herself anymore.

JY : "What do you want?! Why do you even want to explain after all these years?! Arraso! What the f*ck is the reason you left?!"

The older girl starts to tear up.

"I wasn't ready...." She said with her lips shaking.

JY : "And now you are?! Stop screwing with me. I wasn't waiting for you, if you thought you'll come back to a place where everyone will welcome you then you're damn wrong because everything has already changed. Everything...." She paused for a while "I'm not the same person you left behind, I'm not even close to that girl you loved. You wanna know why? Because you broke me. If I could go back in time I would stop myself from falling-in-love with you, that love was the same reason I'm living this hell." She let the pent up frustration go.

The older girl watched as Jeongyeon explode, she can only bit her lips as she accepts the things the younger said. She wasn't wrong at all, everything she said hits home to the older girl. The tears were like a river, she knew it's not gonna stop anytime soon.

JY : "Why are you even crying?! You left me, it's not the other way around. You can't cry for something you did unless you're regretting everything now."

"I do, from the day I left until now, there's not a day I didn't regret what I did to you. Jeong if you have time I'll explain to you everything."

JY : "I did regret it too, I regret trusting you, I regret loving you. I wouldn't waste another moment with you." She said walking past the older girl.

"Jeong, I'm not gonna stop until you hear me out. I'm gonna do everything I can until you listen to me. I'm not gonna wait for another year."

Jeongyeon chuckles, she stops in her tracks.

JY : "Stubborn..... Do whatever you want, but I'm letting you know now. No matter how hard you try, you're not gonna have what you want. No matter how stubborn you'll be this time... This time I'm not gonna give in to you." She said and continued walking away.

If Myoui Mina is Yoo Jeongyeon's Calm, surrender then Im Nayeon is her rage, her chaos, she's all the storm brewing on the horizon.

If Myoui Mina is Yoo Jeongyeon's Calm, surrender then Im Nayeon is her rage, her chaos, she's all the storm brewing on the horizon

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The older girl just watched as Jeongyeon walked away from her once again. She knows that this wouldn't be the last time that the volleyball player would walk away from her.

She came back for one thing and that is to fix whatever she could fix.


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