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When Jeongyeon wakes up the first thing she did was run outside, she started running the length of the beach as the sun rises. She looks at how the ocean never seems to end.

SG : "Jeong!"

JY : "Seulgi! How are you?" She greets her excitedly.

SG : "Great, how about you?"

JY : "Same :)"

SG : "About Yeri, I'm sorry she couldn't keep her opinions to herself."

JY : "Haha Yeri's been like that since we're in high school. I should be the one apologizing for losing my cool."

SG : "You don't have to. We scolded Yeri yesterday, so rest assured she won't say anything stupid again."

JY : "Poor child, haha but if you can tell her I'm sorry about yesterday it'll be great. I'll apologize again if I see her."

SG : "Arraso, I'm going back Irene would freak out if she wakes up without me in bed. You should go back too, breakfast would be ready soon."

JY : "I'll run another lap, then I'll go back after. See you there."

SG : "Hai! Hai!" She said running back to the hotel.

Jeongyeon continued her morning jog, the fresh air was helping her a lot in clearing her mind

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Jeongyeon continued her morning jog, the fresh air was helping her a lot in clearing her mind. When she has enough of running she went straight back to the hotel. The first thing she noticed was her teammates setting on the outside tables of the hotel, eating breakfast.

JY : "Omo Sana haven't even wash her face." She said teasing the Japanese girl.

SN : "Yah! I did!"

JY : "Ehhhh you did???? Is this how you look like whenever you wake up???? Hahaha."

SN : "Yah Chou Tzuyu what are you laughing at?"

JH : "Arraso, stop teasing her and go grab your breakfast we have a long day ahead of us."

JY : "Hai! Sana I'm just joking, you still look beautiful." She said running inside and leaving the Japanese blushing.

TY : "Yah hyung!!!!!! And you what are you smiling at?!"

SN : "What?! I'm not...."

CY : "Hahahaha easy tiger, just be glad that hyung is in a good mood. Less work for us today."

DH : "Maja."

On her way inside Jeongyeon bump into Nayeon who was on her way out.

NY : "Good morning Jeong."

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