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Jeongyeon hasn't seen Nayeon for a while, the girl got swamped with work she couldn't even visit the gym. Well, it's not like she's looking for her. It just feels different without Nayeon around.

JY : "Docccccccc!"

MN : "Wae? Wae?"

JY : "Tonight! 8 pm!"

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JY : "Tonight! 8 pm!"

MN : "Are you inviting me or forcing me?"

JY : "I don't want to hear a no. So yeah, maybe I am forcing you. Is there a problem with that?"

MN : "If I say yes then what?"

JY : "Nothing. It's not like I'm gonna change my mind. I'm gonna go home, I'll pick you up 8 pm sharp!"

MN : "Arraso, just so you know I'm not riding that motorcycle of yours."

JY : "Ehhhhh?"

MN : "We can use my car once you get to my place."

JY : "But that defeats the purpose of me treating you."

MN : "Just buy me gas then it'll be your treat too haha."

JY : "Arraso Ms. Myoui, I'll see you soon."

MN : "Hai."


Although Mina knows it's nothing more than a friendly date she's still happy to spend time with Jeongyeon. She was too excited she spends hours and hours looking at the mirror. Changing clothes and trying different hairstyles. She was running out of time and thought she should just settle with a simple blouse and her hair tied up. Knowing Jeongyeon, there's a big possibility that the girl would take her to a street food cart and call it dinner.

 Knowing Jeongyeon, there's a big possibility that the girl would take her to a street food cart and call it dinner

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Well, It doesn't matter as long as she's with Jeongyeon.


It was 10 minutes passed 8 and mina didn't want to call jy. She didn't want to look desperate to the taller girl. She sat in the living room waiting for someone to knock on her door.

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