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Sometimes it takes a while, sometimes it even takes until midnight...

But she always comes.


Her phone started ringing, she didn't answer it because she didn't have to, she knows what's happening. She rushes to the door and found the taller girl sitting outside, right next to her door. Her helmet was on the floor next to her keys. She was hugging her knees and her face was buried in it like she always does.

MN : "What happened? Did you get into a fight again, Jeong???"

JY : "Ani." She mumbles.

MN : "Did you remember her?"

JY : "Ani.."

MN : "What's the matter, then?"

JY : "Just wanted to have fun." She lifted her head and smiled at Mina.

Mina notice the tears forming in her eyes, Jihyo was right she probably remembered her today

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Mina notice the tears forming in her eyes, Jihyo was right she probably remembered her today. It's always like this, whenever Jeongyeon run to her place. She's either on the verge of crying or her eyes are already puffy from crying.

Mina picked her helmet up, and help her stand up.

MN : "Let's go inside Jeong."

JY : "Sorry Mina..."

MN : "Hai, hai." She softly said.

On nights like this where Jeongyeon ends her practice by hitting a hundred ball, she always goes straight to the bar and drinks. And there's only one reason it could be a matter of why but it's mostly a matter of who. It's still the same person she tries to bury with that feeling, the same person from ages ago.


They slowly made their way to the living room where the taller girl just laid straight to the sofa.

MN : "Pabo, I told you to drink at your place." She said as she removes her shoes.

JY : "Don't want to."

MN : "And that motorcycle?!?! I told you if you're drinking take a taxi or if you don't want to, call me and I'll pick you up. Not like this, don't drive yourself."

JY : "But I made it though."

MN : "Aish that's not something you should be proud of. Next time how sure you'll make it? Aish Jeongyeon..... I'm gonna get some water."

JY : "Sorry Mina."

MN : "Stop saying sorry and just rest."

YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now