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Mina wouldn't come to the gym after that night, the only thing the other girls know is that the doctor caught a cold and would be out for the whole week but Jeongyeon knows why.

It's because she broke her.


Today Nayeon had finally had some free time, and of course, the first thing she thought to do is visit Jeongyeon. Finally, today, she could ask about what she heard last time. As usual, Nayeon made her way inside like she owns the place. The first thing she noticed was the unorganized shoe rack, somehow it feels like the first time she came here. The place was dark, cans of beer are all over the place and things are scattered everywhere. There's was no sign of Jeongyeon in the living room.

Nayeon searched for the taller girl, she could still be in practice but something was just whispering to her. "Find her." She starts making her way to the bedroom but it was empty, the bed was unorganized and half of her blanket was already laying on the ground. Nayeon was about to make her way to the bathroom when she heard muffled noise inside the room, she starts to make her way to the other side of the bed, and there she found Jeongyeon sitting on the floor crying.

 Nayeon was about to make her way to the bathroom when she heard muffled noise inside the room, she starts to make her way to the other side of the bed, and there she found Jeongyeon sitting on the floor crying

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NY : "Jeong?!? What happened?!" She asks in a panic.

Jeongyeon looks up, even with her watery eyes she still knows who was in front of her.

NY : "Are you hurt?! Tell me what happened?!"

Nayeon looks at her, she checks every part of her body to make sure that the taller girl has no wounds. Jeongyeon was reeking of alcohol.

NY : "Where does it hurt?!" She said holding Jeongyeon's face.

The taller girl points to her heart, then starts crying harder.

NY : "Can you lay in your bed? I'll get you some water."

JY : "D-don't go." She said holding her hand.

JY : "You know I hurt Mina? I said something that made her cry, she was sad Nayeon."

She starts losing the grip on Nayeon's hand. The older girl just looked at how a mess she is right now, Jeongyeon might not know it but Nayeon remembers the night was she was passed out on her back. The night where Jeongyeon asks Mina out for dinner.

JY : "I hurt her because I haven't fixed myself but what was I supposed to do? I can't love anyone with this broken heart

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JY : "I hurt her because I haven't fixed myself but what was I supposed to do? I can't love anyone with this broken heart. I'm tired Nayeon.... I'm tired of crying, I'm tired of the pain, to be honest with you I'm exhausted. I didn't want to hurt her but I still managed to f*ck things up. I broke her Nay."

NY : "Jeong let's get you to bed first."

Jeongyeon stood up and Nayeon help tucked her in bed.

JY : "I want her to be happy and I want to be happy too. I want to have a year where I don't cry even for a single time. I thought if I forgive you things will be better but why is it getting more complicated? Why is it getting harder?"

Nayeon didn't know how to answer her, she doesn't know what to tell her. So she just sat next to her, brushing her hair while Jeongyeon just continues to cry. Nayeon wants to hug her, she wants to take all the pain away, if she could she wants to be the only one to shed tears from now on. Jeongyeon was right, ever since she came back all she ever did was make this girl next to her cry. She starts to question herself if Jeongyeon would ever be happy with her around?

The taller girl fell asleep from crying, Nayeon watches her. When she was sure that the girl was deep in her sleep, she got up and started cleaning up the place. She throws the cans of beer that Jeongyeon consumed and made food. She picked up the things in her hallway and lit up the place. After finishing everything she went back to check Jeongyeon. And the thought that Jeongyeon was still hurting made her cry,

NY : "You're like the wind, no matter how much I try to grip on to you. You'll always slip away from me and I'm just naive Jeong. I believed that even the wind can be contained in a jar. That's why I came back, I came back to let my delusional self believe that you're still waiting for me. That anytime I come back you'll just welcome me with open arms."

She said brushing Jeongyeon's face.

"But things are far from what I remember, far from what I know, you grew up. You learned that you were capable of living without me. I wish you didn't, at least not until I came back. I'm late right? I'm 7 years late, I got used to being late because every time I did, you'll be just there waiting with this wide grin on your face. I was unfair, thinking you're still waiting, thinking things would be back to how it used to be, that you can still love me. I've been unfair this whole time to you and everyone else.

And now you're breaking apart, again, because of me, because I chose to believe in things I hoped for. You're letting go of someone because your too damage, and I did that to you. I made your life miserable, you're right ever since I came back all you did was cry. Jeong I want it too, I want you to be happy." She said wiping her tears away.

Nayeon makes her way out, just like what she usually do, she left food in Jeongyeon's fridge

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Nayeon makes her way out, just like what she usually do, she left food in Jeongyeon's fridge. Nayeon's starting to understand what she has to do. She knows how to make Jeongyeon happy, it's something she wouldn't do but if it's for Jeongyeon, you know she'll do it in a heartbeat.


(A/N) Okay, let's all agree that Mina deserve someone better in this story. Sadly it's not Jeongyeon.... I love JeongMi too haha. We're getting closer and closer! I'm happy to have all of you until now. Have a great day everyone! Stay safe and healthy!

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