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Jihyo carefully drives while she steals glances at her best friend who was sitting next to her looking beyond the window. She notices how Jeongyeon's eyes are puffy, she looks more tired tonight than any other night. She hasn't said anything for a while now and Jihyo is barely holding on, her heart feels full and she wants to cry too but she can't, she has to be the strong one.

JH : "Neo baboni? (TR : Are you stupid?) Why would you go to Mina's when the girl texted you she's not home? I can't believe you're this stupid haha." She said attempting to lighten the mood.

JY : "Ehhh I was busy. By the way, I'm coming back on Monday."

JH : "Busy drowning yourself in alcohol? Haha."

JY : "Yah!"

JH : "Hahaha what? Is it not the truth?"

JY : "Well....."

JH : "See haha."

Jihyo notices how Jeongyeon took her eyes back at the sky, the girls probably sober right now, that's what she thought

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Jihyo notices how Jeongyeon took her eyes back at the sky, the girls probably sober right now, that's what she thought.

JY : "Ji what's stopping you?"

JH : "Huh?"

JY : "I said what's stopping you? Aren't you happy she's back?"

JH : "Jeong what stupid question is that? Why would I be happy to see her? After all these years, you really think I'll want her back?"

JY : "Haha, Jihyo you can lie to everyone but you should know by now that there are two people who see past you. Sejeong and I, what's wrong in admitting it?"

JH : "I'm not that's why."

JY : "When will you be honest with yourself? I saw you...." She paused for a while. "I saw how you look at me and back at her. I saw how worried you are but I also saw the happiness in your eyes for that split second you look back at her. So I want to know Ji, if you want to be friends with her again what's stopping you?"

 So I want to know Ji, if you want to be friends with her again what's stopping you?"

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YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now