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Jihyo lost counts of the days Jeongyeon has been locking herself, by this time she's convinced that the captain has given up volleyball. But if it's the only way that her best friend could heal then who is she to stop her?

"Breathe in...."

"Breathe out...."

"Breathe in...."

"Breathe out...."

"Breathe in...."

"Breathe out...."

"Jeong get up you can--"

Jeongyeon woke up to this voice calling her, she has this massive headache and the sunlight wasn't helping at all. She stayed laying on the floor while she stared at her white ceiling, it could be 12 noon, 1 in the afternoon, who cares? It's not like it's gonna make any difference, she can still feel the pain.

She rolls to her side and saw the sky, nothing's been going on inside her head. It's been days of emptiness, the tears fall from her eyes, and she pursed her lips. Jeongyeon didn't bother wiping them, she knows it's not gonna stop soon.

"It's been 7 f*cking years, why don't you stop?!" She said pounding her chest continuously.

But no matter how hard she hits her chest, her heart doesn't listen. She stops and just lets herself get drown in this immense pain.

 She stops and just lets herself get drown in this immense pain

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After hours of crying and doing nothing Jeongyeon finally have the strength to get up, just to get wasted again but this time she wanted some fresh air so she went to the bar. Hyuna didn't know what's happening and Jeongyeon wasn't saying anything, she just chugs all the beer she could. When she's done, she stood up and walked away.

HA : "Jeong I'll give you a ride."

JY : "Haha don't worry, I can take a taxi."

HA : "But you had too much tonight."

JY : "I'll be fine. I've always been fine anyway."

Hyuna just look at her while she went inside a taxi, even the older girl could tell she's not fine but Jeongyeon loves to lie, especially to herself.

"41 Apgujeong-ro 79-gil" The drunk girl said.


Jihyo was sitting in the living room when a call came in.


JH : "Sup doc?"

MN : "Ji, I think Jeongyeon is at my place."

JH : "What?" Sejeong looks at her.

YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now