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NY : "Ji? "

She was still in the process of calming herself down when Nayeon found her.

JH : "Hey, I was about to go see you in your office."

NY : "Gwenchana, we can talk here :)" She said sitting next to Jihyo.

JH : "Arraso, I just want you to know that the team has 2 confirmed practice game. One of them includes 6 teams, well have a bunch of games in two days, and I thought you may want to attend the SKVA party."

NY : "SKVA?"

JH : "South Korea Volleyball Association, we always have a charity event just before the season start. Everyone is invited, I'll let you know the details if you want to go."

NY : "I wouldn't miss it."

JH : "Then I'm going."

Jihyo thought she still needs time, she wasn't sure how to ask Nayeon, she didn't know how to tell her she wants to be friends again. She stood up and started to walk away.

NY : "Ji, you waited a whole day for these? Is that the only thing you want me to know?"

Jihyo slowly turns around, she looks at Nayeon from a distance. This is the first time she stares at her face ever since she came back, it's the same face from ages ago. The memories started to come back, Jihyo could remember how Nayeon laugh, how loud her voice could get, how she doesn't accept the idea of losing, and how the older girl believes in everything she says without asking her why or what.

Nayeon has always been someone who stood next to her, the only reason she hates her is that the older girl just suddenly left them.

Nayeon has always been someone who stood next to her, the only reason she hates her is that the older girl just suddenly left them

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JH : "You know what's funny? Ever since the three of us were small, I always thought I'll be the one to leave you two. You and Jeong are inseparable, that's why when you left it almost killed her. So why did you come back?"

Finally, the words came out.

NY : "I want to right the things I did wrong... To you and Jeongyeon." She said in hesitation.

JH : "You haven't even asked if Jeongyeon is single."

NY : "I made up my mind before I got here, even if she's single or not, I'll still try to correct what I did."

JH : "Then why did you left?"

NY : "I'll tell you everything, do you still have time?"

JH : "I have all the time in the world, I want to know what's so important you choose to abandon your best friends."

NY : "Arraso, let's sit down."

YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now