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The second day went by them, Twice was able to secure 3 wins and was given the chance to enjoy the beach after that.

Today the sun didn't show up, it seems like a storm is brewing outside but it was fine. All their game was being held inside. The team was currently playing their second game when Nayeon decided to go out.

NY : "Can you tell Jihyo I went to get something?"

SN : "Sure do you need one of us to go with you?"

NY : "I'm fine, you two just cheer for your girlfriends I'll be back soon."

MM : "Don't go too far unnie, it's gonna rain soon."

NY : "Hai, hai. I'll be back within 5 minutes you won't even notice it."

SN, MM : "Arraso."

Seeing how tired the girls were she thought a little sugar will cheer them up. She was making her way to this local store that sells the best bundt cakes in town, that one of the elders has told her. It's was too late when she realized that she forgot her wallet and she didn't bring her phone with her because it was running low on battery.

She forgot her way back but Nayeon kept her cool, it's shouldn't be bad since the place was in front of the sea, she'll just look for the beach. But it's not easy like how she thought it'll be, when she reached the front of the beach it didn't even look like how the hotel's beachfront. She feels like she's in a different place. She got tired of trying, so she stood below a street lamp to rest. She was hoping someone would pass by so she could ask them if she could use their phone.

And standing in one place is actually better than walking around.

She crotch down as she feels her leg starting to get sore. She remembers something, she used to get lost a lot back when she was young. If it wasn't for her friends and especially for Jeongyeon it'll be a lot harder.

Jeongyeon used to tell her "Next time you get lost, just stay in one place. I'll come and find you wherever you are." And she always does, she always finds Nayeon. Except for that one time she flew on the other side of the globe.

She knows she's not gonna show up, she probably hasn't noticed that she is missing but some part of her is still hoping Jeongyeon would find her like in the old days. She knows she's selfish for wishing something like that, knowing that she hurt Jeongyeon so much.


Nayeon's luck just run out, she's been gone for 30 minutes and she hasn't seen anyone. When she thought she couldn't be more unfortunate the sky started pouring her rain. Like someone above is making fun of her, she thought she deserves it. She has hurt too many people, take them for granted. So she didn't budge from where she was, she could feel this heavy raindrop falling in her head.

But before she got completely drench it suddenly stops, she looks up and the only thing she saw was this black umbrella covering her. She looks to her side and saw the person she was wishing to come and save her, standing there holding the umbrella.

Jeongyeon found her, again

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Jeongyeon found her, again. 

Nayeon wished she didn't lose her way, that Jeongyeon didn't have to look for her again. She realized it a long time ago when she regretted walking away from Jeongyeon, when she disappeared.

There's a lot of times she would cry at night and wished she stayed in one place.

Jeongyeon shouldn't be looking for her because in the first place she should've stayed with her the whole time.

And seeing Jeongyeon standing there made her cry, it's partly because she was scared of being lost and alone, and mostly because this is all her selfish self have ever wished for.

Yoo Jeongyeon finding her.

The taller girl tries to calm her down, told her not to cry and next time she should ask someone to go with her. Nayeon heard a lot of scolding in which she was oddly happy to hear, she missed this, she missed her. She nods to every reminder the taller girl has said but she couldn't stop crying.... Until Jeongyeon hugged her in an attempt to calm her down.

 Until Jeongyeon hugged her in an attempt to calm her down

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JY : "Stop crying everything's gonna be okay."

Nayeon just continued crying in her chest, the older girl was like a child longing for her mom.

JY : "... Jalhaesseo Nayeon (TR : Good job) You stayed in one place just like what I always told you." She said patting the older girl's head.

Nayeon feels her heartbreaking, it was stupid of her to leave this girl, along with her tears falling, she wished she could've turned back time. Back to that time where everything was just simple. Back to the time where they just starting to build their dreams, back to the time where she was thinking of leaving everything behind.

They stayed like that for a while since Nayeon couldn't stop herself from crying, by this time the only reason she's crying is because of Jeongyeon showing out of nowhere.

JY : "Arraso." She said as she brushes the older's hair. "We'll go back were you feel like it."

NY : "What about the game?"

JY : "I trust those kids, it will be alright."

NY : "Did you look for me??"

JY : "Aniyo uhmm, I just got lost when I found you."

No words were spoken after that. They walk back together under one umbrella elbow touching each other. The umbrella was tilted more on Nayeon's side.

The truth was Jeongyeon notice the moment Nayeon left. She knew there's a huge possibility that the older girl would lose her way. Her head says no but her heart wants to find her.

No matter how much she denies it she knows what she is to her. Nayeon fills a huge spot in her life, it's just right to say that she notices the smallest thing about her, she notices when she's nowhere near her. She denies it a lot but just likes how she hear Nayeon cheering her, how she sees Nayeon's face when she has her eyes close. Nayeon is someone relevant to her and maybe, just maybe she's still has a little in her that still loves the older girl.

But this is something she's not ready to talk about.


(A/N) We're almost done with this story, I'll update faster so we publish the end before the new year. Hope everyone is having a good time! Stay safe and healthy :)

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