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The next day Mina still couldn't take the thought out of her head, it could be a coincidence. But her curiosity was killing her. When she came into work, she saw Nayeon sitting in the gym.

MN : "Unnie good morning."

NY : "Good morning Mina :)"

MN : "Can I ask you something... About yesterday..... I'm just wondering how did you know Jeongyeon was coming?"

NY : "Did you thought it was magic?" The older girl joked.

MN : "Hahaha almost."

NY : "Hahaha well, I wish it was. Jeongyeon walks dragging her feet around." Both of them sat there watching the girls practice.

NY : "We grew up together and lived together for a year that I got used to the sound of her heavy footstep. It's always been like that since we were small, she drags herself like she's a big person. But both of us know how light can she be, especially when she's inside this hardwood court. Jeongyeon's feet get light like a feather she could almost fly."

Mina watches as Jeongyeon leaps up and instantly she understands what Nayeon meant

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Mina watches as Jeongyeon leaps up and instantly she understands what Nayeon meant.

MN : "Maja, that's really amazing."

NY : "It's not haha, it's just a matter of getting familiar. Ohhh, what time are you going tonight?"

MN : "Huh?"

NY : "Omo, Jihyo would be sad if she knew you forgot."

MN : "Jihyo.... Jihyo...." She ponders.

NY : "Haha it's her birthday. She's having a party in her place."

MN : "Ara! I totally forgot I should go now. I need to buy her a gift."

NY : "Arraso haha don't worry I'll keep it a secret. 7 pm okay?"

MN : "Hai! Hai! Thanks for reminding me." She said making her way out of the gym.



JH : "Ehhhhhh?"

MN : "Happy birthday Ji! :)"

JH : "You're early."

MN : "Wait what? Nayeon unnie told me it's 7."

JH : "Hahaha I guess she got you, I said 8 but no worries. The food is ready, Sejeong is just taking a shower. Make yourself comfortable doc."

Mina chuckles at the thought Nayeon got her but it was okay, it doesn't bother her anyway. The girls came in one by one and coincidentally the one who told her to be early was the one who got here last. Nayeon walks in and Jeongyeon follows her.

JH : "Yah! I can't believe you trick Mina into coming here at 7 and here are the two of you coming in late, it's almost 9."

CY : "Yah unnie! That's why Mina unnie is early, how could you be mean to her?"

CY : "Yah unnie! That's why Mina unnie is early, how could you be mean to her?"

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JY : "Calm down prince charming." She said walking past her.

NY : "If you want someone to blame, blame her." She said pointing at Jeongyeon who was already eating tteokbokki. "If it wasn't for her being slow I would've been here an hour ago."

JY : "It's not my fault you wanted to drive with me."

SJ : "Hahaha why are you girls blaming each other? Everyone is already here, let's start the party."

Mina looks at how Jeongyeon changed, she's been smiling a lot lately. Although it's still hurt, she was happy that the taller girl has finally found an answer to her broken heart, sadly it wasn't her.


When the night falls deeper, the girls started singing and dancing like they were in a bar. Some are starting to get drunk. Jeongyeon stepped outside to get some fresh air. Funny how the ones who almost drink alcohol like water is the one who hasn't even finish a single bottle tonight. She sat in the garden looking at the sky.

NY : "Tired?" The older girl sat next to her.

JY : "Tired of does drunkard. Dahyun and Chaeyoung wouldn't even let anyone hold the mic."

NY : "Hahaha so you wanted to sing?"

JY : "Maybe if I get drunk enough haha."

NY : "As if you would, you've been carrying that lukewarm bottle for a while now. Fooling everyone aren't we?"

JY : "Haha I'm just not in the mood to drink and you? Aren't you drinking way too much? How are we gonna get home?"

NY : "I'm leaving that part to you."

JY : "Ehhhhhhh?"

NY : "Hahaha please Jeongie? I don't think I'll last that long."

JY : "Arraso but I'm letting you know I'm not sleeping in your place, I'll take the car home with me."

NY : "Deal...."

There was this awkward silence after Nayeon speaks. It's like they're in a whole new world and it only belongs to the two of them. Nayeon looked at Jeongyeon multiple times and it could be because she has too much alcohol that she thought it's okay to tell Jeongyeon what she really thinks.

NY : "Do you think if I didn't leave maybe we could still be together? Maybe we could be like Sejeong and Jihyo? We can have a nice home, dogs and a happy life

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NY : "Do you think if I didn't leave maybe we could still be together? Maybe we could be like Sejeong and Jihyo? We can have a nice home, dogs and a happy life. Who knows we might be married now? Do you still that things like that could happen? That we can still dream together? I... I still want that Jeong."

Jeongyeon just turn to face her, she looks at her for a couple of minutes but it felt like an eternity to Nayeon. She was dying to know what Jeongyeon's have in mind.

Maybe there's still a chance they can be together.


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