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After putting everything back in its place, she went straight to the kitchen and it's was weird that the whole place has only one dim light on. Usually, the girls or her sisters open every single light in her house.

JY : "Why are you cooking in the dark? Are you planning to burn my place down?" She said as she turns the lights on.

To her surprise, she found someone else, someone who she didn't want see.

The girl turned around she was in Jeongyeon's apron, holding a spatula, hair tied into a bun. She looks like she's someone who comes here often or rather, someone who lives in this apartment.

 She looks like she's someone who comes here often or rather, someone who lives in this apartment

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JY : "The hell are you doing here?" She said in shock.

"That's a nice way to welcome people."

JY : "First and foremost you're not welcome here. You know this is trespassing right?"

"It's trespassing if I forced my way in. Did you see your door broken? And obviously, I couldn't barge in through your window. You live on the 18th floor." She said as she went back to cooking.

JY : "Aish..... Park Jihyo!!!!"

"Jihyo would never give me your code even when I bribed her with a salary increase, she's a nice friend but she loves you more than she loves me, Seungyeon unnie gave it to me."

And Jeongyeon remembers how the older girl is like a sister to her unnies and how she's more of a daughter to her mom and dad. Jeongyeon remembers that the whole Yoo family was in love with this girl and it's not surprising that her unnie would let her in.

"Stop whining, unnie told me you're not eating properly. I just came here as your boss and it's not like I'm staying the night, I'm going home after so don't worry. Besides I told you I'm gonna do whatever it takes."

JY : "Aren't you pushing your luck too much?"

"You were the one who told me I can do whatever I want. Go and take a bath, I'll be out of this place soon."

And Jeongyeon just sighed at her. The older girl didn't look back at her and she knew arguing with her would never work. So she just went to her bath, just like what the older girl said The moment she got out, she was already gone. She left the food on the table with a simple note on it.

Eat pabo! I'll be back -Nayeon

Jeongyeon didn't even touch the plate the older girl left, she just buried herself in bed. She forgot how stubborn the girl could be but she didn't thought she'll go as far as coming inside her house.


It's been days since Momo unnie and I talk and she hasn't been back since that day. I even asked Sana unnie and she just told me that Momo unnie was busy with work but it didn't feel right for me. So today I asked Jihyo unnie for a day off.

YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now