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Jeongyeon was 7 when she met her. It was a sunny afternoon in the spring when she and Jihyo went out to play volleyball in the park. Jihyo gets really competitive even when they're still young. Knowing Jeongyeon is taller than her she was eager to prove she's better despite the height difference. When the taller girl returns the ball to her, Jihyo looked at her with tantalizing eyes then swing really hard, it hit Jeongyeon in the head making her fall flat on the ground.

The taller girl hit her head on the ground and lost her consciousness for what feels like an eternity for her but actually just a split second in reality. She woke up with this continued tap on her cheeks, she could hear Jihyo's muffled voice.

"Jeong wake up! Jeong!"

The girl just keeps on calling her. Slowly she opens her eyes and for a second she thought she's already in heaven. A beautiful girl was right in front of her eyes, her face was a few centimeters away from hers.


And everything was just in slow motion, Jeongyeon stared back at her with disbelief, she's questioning her existence right now.

The girl then holds both of her cheeks gave it a little squeeze and asked once again.


She blinks repeatedly and slowly the muffled voices started to sound clear.

"Jeongyeon are you okay?" Jihyo asked.

"Gwenchana?" The other girl asked once more.

Jeongyeon slowly sat down. She scratched the back of her head, looked at how Jihyo is on the brink of crying, she got up and started looking in the back of her head. When Jihyo was sure there was nothing she hugged her.

"Mianhe Jeong."

"I'm okay Ji I'm sorry for making you worried." She said.

She heard someone sighing, she looks to her side and the angel was still there. Jihyo lets her go and looked at the other girl.

JH : "Thank you, if you weren't here I would've to stay frozen."

"It's not a problem I was just here at the right time, thank god she's okay." The girl looked at her and smiled.

"Uhm t-thank you" Jeongyeon stutter.

"Now that everything seems okay, I'm heading home first." She said walking away.

JY : "Uhm..." She fidgets as she struggles to stand up. "Will I ever see you again?" The 7 years old ask.

"I think so? I live right over there." She said pointing at the red gate across the park.

JY : "C-can I know your name?" She stutters again

The girl smiled at her and tucks her hair on her ear.



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YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now