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The girls decided to have lunch out before continuing with the practice. The only ones who weren't there were Nayeon who have to attend a meeting and Mina who have rounds in the hospital. They were walking inside a mall when they bump into a familiar face.

HA : "Omo long time no see Jeong, Ji."

JY : "Unnie! It's nice to see you in a different place."

HA : "I could tell you the same thing."

JH : "By the way guys this is Hyuna, she's a childhood friend of ours."

Everyone said their introduction.

HA : "Ohhhhh, I heard Nayeon is back. I couldn't help myself but feel sorry that you two didn't end up being together. You were perfect for each other, I always thought you'll get married after college "

EVERYONE : "Ehhhhh???"

The rest of the girls looked at Jeongyeon.

HA : "Oops I didn't know they don't...."

JY : "Gwenchana it's a thing of the past that's why we didn't tell them about it."

HA : "Haha then I'll leave the explaining to you guys, mianhe Jeong."

JY : "No worries I'll see you soon."

HA : "Hai! Hai!"

Everyone couldn't keep their eyes off her.

JY : "Arraso, I'll tell you all about it over lunch. I'm starving."

And Jeongyeon did what she said, she tried to explain things the best possible way, a way that no one will look bad. The girls were totally engrossed in it except for one girl who has something else in mind.

Momo notices it the moment she came in, Dahyun is not the usual Dahyun who always greet her. She's not even sitting next to her right now and whenever she tries to talk to her the younger girl would simply say she have something to do. Momo is not the kind to ask directly but it's starting to irritate her. After lunch, the girls went back to the gym.

MM : "Dahyun can we talk?"

DH : "Sorry unnie but pract-"

MM : "I already got Jihyo's permission." She said cutting her off.

DH : "W-what it is?" She stutter.

MM : "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

DH : "Huh?"

MM : "Don't huh-huh me, It's obvious you're avoiding me. Just tell me why."

DH : "Aish arraso, about last time...... I'm sorry but I don't think we should keep being friends, what happened that night was just a mistake." She couldn't look at Momo.

MM : "Pabo!"

MM : "Pabo!"

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YOU AT THE WRONG TIME [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now