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The moment Jeongyeon left, Nayeon opened her eyes

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The moment Jeongyeon left, Nayeon opened her eyes. She's been sober since she started crying and how could she possibly sleep through the feeling of Jeongyeon slowly letting her go? Because it hurts the moment the taller girl laid her in bed, she wanted to grab her, stop her from leaving but how is she suppose to do that?

Hearing all those things hurts like hell. That all of the dreams they once made with each other is now just one part of a big maybe.  All she could do was cry in her bed holding Jeongyeon's jacket.

She wanted to tell her, she wanted her to know the reason why she left but she was afraid Jeongyeon would get hurt all over again.


Dahyun woke up in her bed with a massive headache it almost felt like her head was splitting into two

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Dahyun woke up in her bed with a massive headache it almost felt like her head was splitting into two. She couldn't remember what happened last night. She rolls to her side and saw someone inside her blanket. She scratches her eyes and it was still there, she looked at herself and found that she's just wearing her underwear.

DH : "Please don't be a guy, please don't be a guy. At least be some pretty girl." She prayed.

She thought if she's gonna sleep with someone it has to be a girl. She slowly lifts the blanket and found Momo, in her clothes. Her eyes were wide open, her body grew cold, she can't believe she has done something like this to her unnie.

DH : "Fuck I messed up. Why did it have to be unnie?????" She quickly got out of bed and saw her suit and Momo's dress on the floor.

Her brain's not processing what was happening before she knew it. She's already in her car driving away from her own house.

When Momo woke up, the other side of the bed was already empty. She could still feel Dahyun's tight grip on her back from last night. She stood up and picked up their clothes when she got to the kitchen she found a plate of food with a sticky note on it.

DH : "Unnie eat breakfast before you go home, I have something to do with Chaeng. I'll see you next time."

Momo couldn't careless, she ate what Dahyun prepared took her dress out of the laundry, and went home.

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