Chapter 35

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Song: Broken Social Scene, "Pitter patter Goes my heart"

I woke up with my tiny love still in my arms and couldn't help grinning from ear to ear. He had flung a leg and an arm across my body and was still sound asleep and snoring softly. He was so ridiculously cute. I almost giggled but stopped myself because I didn't want to wake him up. He started wiggling in his sleep, so I stroked his hair. He calmed down instantly and nuzzled into me. I almost screamed at the sheer joy of it, and also because of his insanely ticklish stubble!!

If only we had a long weekend or we could call in sick, but we had important meetings and a busy week ahead of us, which meant I would have to wake him up soon to enjoy a small cuddle before the alarm went off. There wouldn't be time to talk either. I wanted to ask him about last night. He seemed to have a lot on his mind before sleep, and I felt a bit anxious about that. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something going on. I didn't want to pry, I just wanted him to know that he could tell me anything.

The week away from him was going to feel like a century. I hoped we could spend at least a couple of evenings together. There was our day at the beach to look forward to, though. I was so excited to spend time away from the city with him that I could barely contain myself. Maybe we would spend most of the weekend together. I would definitely like that and wished he would too. I want to learn more about him, how he's changed and what he's been up to while we were estranged. It's hard to hold back, but since we won't have a choice during the week, it shouldn't be too much if we spend weekends together.

I suddenly needed him to be awake and paying attention to me, so I kissed his nose and then his lips gently. He purred in his sleep. I caressed his cheek and then his back, calling out his name.

"Zon? Baby? You need to wake up. We need to get up soon, and I want a cuddle."

"Hmmmm, ok."

He proceeded to crawl up on me and drape himself over my body, nestling his head on my chest and somehow wrapping his arms around me. I felt like I was cuddling an octopus and almost burst out laughing.

"I'm pretty sure you'd still be attached to me if I got up right now."

I heard a low giggle as he squeezed me harder, and I couldn't help joining in. I stopped suddenly and whined.

"We're both so busy that I won't be able to sleep with you often this week."

I kissed his head and listened to his muffled voice.

"I know. I'm going to miss you too. It's such a bummer because if we weren't, I'd probably keep you in bed all week."

I choked on my own spit. WHAT!!!!! WHATTTT!!!!! I was so shocked that I turned into a bumbling fool.

"eerrrmmm... huh... too bad... errr..."

Oh dear!! My face was burning. To make matters worse, he burst out laughing. I would never live down that shame. URRRGHGHG. Between peals of full-bellied laughter he was able to say,

"I'm... sorry... you... look.. so ... sooo... so.... cuuuuuuute... rr... rrii...right now"

He laughed so hard that eventually so did I. Before he had a chance to catch his breath, I flipped us around and settled a leg between his. Holding my upper body on my elbows, I bent down to kiss him, slowly grinding against him as I did so. When I pulled back, he was breathing heavily. Good. I smiled. My voice husky, I told him, "This is punishment for teasing me. Remember, I can do worse." I could feel his hard length against my hip. My mission accomplished, and the alarm ringing, I got up and sauntered off. I spoke to him over my shoulder with a cheeky grin on my face.

"Sorry, time to get up and get ready for work."

"You overconfident jerk!!! Get back here!!!"

I felt the thud of a pillow against my head and burst out laughing. A few seconds later, I was being tackled, and we half wrestled to the bathroom laughing hysterically.

We got ready fairly quickly and had breakfast standing in the kitchen while I prepared lunch for both of us. He packed up his things, but since not everything fit in his bag, I told him to throw his clothes in the hamper. He looked stricken for an instant, not just surprised, but the expression was gone before I could say anything.

"Are you sure? You could just give me a plastic bag to put everything in."

"Baby, do you need any of this during the week?"

"No, but..."

"Then it's fine. I promise I'll read the labels before I wash everything, and you can just pick it up next time you're here or I'll bring it around. You can't show up at work with clothes in a plastic bag."

Again, that same expression flashed across his face. We didn't have time to talk about it, but it worried me.

"Oh... errr... ok then, if you're sure."

"Yes, I'm sure. Hop to it, we gotta go."

We both made it on time for work and instantly my thought were distracted away from the strange little scene.

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