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chapter seventy two ~ the one with a phone numberHeather's POV

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chapter seventy two ~ the one with a phone number
Heather's POV

Now that I had agreed to help Melissa with her relationship, it was time to set my plan into motion and talk to Nick. Due to the fact that I knew my mentor wanted to go on a date with my ex-boyfriend, all I needed to do was get him to agree to a date and then everything would run smoothly from there. Of course, in the back of my mind I was reminding myself that I was trying to act as Cupid, whilst also having no love life myself and that probably wouldn't work out well for me. I was still upset about the fact that I was sure Joey had feelings for me but the very next day I found out that he was dating this really boring girl called Kathy. She didn't like me; we had a mutual dislike for each other because I was sure that there was something wrong with her but I couldn't figure out what it was and I couldn't tell anyone because they all really liked her.

Standing in front of the familiar door, the door to the apartment which I used to find myself in most of the time, it brought back a sense of déjà vu. Not a good sense though, this déjà vu was screaming at me to get away from the door and to never go anywhere near it again because Nick was bad news and I had just about gotten over him. Doing this for Melissa would either work out very well and they would both be happy together or it could fail, and bring back all of the emotions that I had for him. Yes, we broke up for a reason and I understand perfectly why we would never work, but I still missed him. I missed the Nick that I knew before we met up with his parents, the intelligent and funny guy who spent the whole day of Thanksgiving playing a stupid game of football just because my friends were competitive. If only his opinion on tradition was different, if he had accepted that we were equals and that I wouldn't have to give up my job if we got married, then maybe things would have been different.

"Oh God, what do you want?" He groaned, opening his door and seeing that I was the person who had knocked for him.

"I need to ask you a favour?"

"Listen, we're over. That ship has sailed. Of course, I wouldn't be opposed to one last night, if you were that desperate-"

"No!" I interrupted, understanding what he was talking about and not wanting him to think that at all. "No, it's nothing to do with me, or with us."

Nick readjusted himself and tried to look unbothered. "So, what is it?"

"Do you remember Melissa? My friend, she was here the other day and you talked to her?"

"Yes, brunette with the bright yellow suit, seemed a bit too perky for me."

Wow, perky was not the kind of word that I would use to describe Melissa. When she was around me, she was the complete opposite of the word perky, but if that was how he remembered her then that was what we were going to have to go with. The perky brunette with the bright yellow suit, Melissa. For some reason that description still wasn't living up to the Melissa that I knew and I wondered if they did go on a date, how long it would take before Nick realised that he got his description completely wrong. Even better, how long before Melissa realised that Nick was an egotistical pig and would want her to become a housewife as soon as they got married. Unless, that was what she wanted, if she did then good luck to her and I better be invited to the wedding if I set these two up together.

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