🎄Christmas Special🎄

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Hola everybody, welcome to the longest part I've ever written in my whole life! Prepare to read the following words that I suffered in coming up with. You better vote on this.

This is my Christmas present to you- and it being a 3000-word trip for you to reading heaven, it better be worth it.

(if this part doesn't get 50 votes then I'm not writing anymore😉)


---POV Switch to Agent Erica Hale---

The night before Christmas, I could be that everyone was tossing and turning inside their sheets. It was pretty much the biggest surprise of what your friends and crushes gave you for the merry holiday.

Meanwhile, I was sneaking pure coal under the boy's pillows. 

As promised, I prepared a giant batch of the best coal around- and after this, I gathered it all up, sorted it in a specific amount for each boy (the less coal you have, the less I like you). Then, after this, I put them into bags, each marked "From: Your worst fear. To: My victim."

Then, the boys would look at this, immediately see who it was from, open it up, then roll their eyes or sigh in exasperation. Some of them would probably go into a small period of depression, which would be the best.


But, of course, I bought the people I thought were actually pretty good human beings different things. For example, I bought a dart gun armed with sedatives. He was one of the human beings I could actually converse with and understand- if you count out my family members.

For my sister, I bought a new utility belt that has a built-in Alexa. You never know when you will need your location when you're on a mission. And it can also detect your surroundings, tell you if there's someone nearby you, and others.

It's also waterproof, so there's that.

I'm not expecting much from the girls, since they all are probably jealous of me, but I am expecting a lot from the boys. My whole ammunition arsenal probably comes from this time of the year- last year, with the whole Academy sending presents, I got so many guns, that I couldn't even fit them into my secret warehouse.

So that's the night before Christmas for me. Anyways, I'm going to get some rest before the real action comes- which is Christmas itself. I don't really want everybody having to deal with my sucky POV for the rest of this long part, so I'm going to chuck the mic over to...

---POV Switch to Agent Jayden---

Hi guys. It's me again.

Please refrain from fainting in relief.

Okay, onto my description of the night before Christmas. I mean, there's nothing you really can expect from it other than just tossing and turning in your sheets, hoping for the daylight to come. 

Okay- admit time. Some nights, especially ones before big events happen, I have trouble sleeping. It's just that my mind is completely focused on the good things that are going to happen the next morning that I can't even control it to calm down. I'm basically just having hypersleeps, waking up, looking at the time, then knocking myself out again to repeat the process.

So basically there isn't much to say. Unless you want a close-up description of me when I'm sleeping, I don't have much to tell you. I'm just hoping maybe someone can time travel me to the future.

---POV Switch to Ivar---

I officially hate the spying community.

I can't even count the number of times that I got knocked unconscious. I haven't had so many dreams in a long time.

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