The Mission, Only for the Skilled

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Hi, guys. It's me, Ben. Looking at the title of this chapter, it's pretty obvious that I'm not going to be able to narrate much (unless you count Jayden laughing over random reruns of shows 'much'). And since I'm not even in the mission only for the skilled in the first place, I'll be handing the mic over to...

--- POV Switch to Agent James ---

Hey guys. It's my first time narrating for you readers, so please don't beat me up if I don't make you hooked into the story. (Well, I doubt you could even beat me up in the first place, but whatever).

So first things first, we needed a method of transportation. It needed to be fast, since there wasn't much of the day left. An Uber wouldn't work, since we would be talking abou- some clandestine things that the common civilization shouldn't have the privilege to hear.

So naturally, we immediately headed over to the nearest sports car in the alley and raided it clear. It was a really nice-looking car, and I felt bad for the owner (because, of course, he didn't buy a better car for us). The top speed, according to Erica, was about two-hundred twenty miles per hour.

So after we all stuffed ourselves in (I called shotgun), Dylan just simply said "Hit the gas," and we took off at two hundred miles per hour, roaring down an almost-empty highway in the middle of a weekday.

After shaking off some police cars and weaving through traffic for at least thirty minutes, someone finally struck up a conversation.

"So!" Trixie said, watching as a police car that was on our trail skid into the woods. "Dylan, where have you been for the past month? We could've used you in the mission, and just having you document our adventures probably wasn't much fun."

"Why do you want to know?" Dylan said, opening the window and letting the wind rip into the car. "What I've been doing is nothing interesting. And now that I think about it, shouldn't you know what I've been doing? You're a Hale, after all."

"My mind was on other things," Trixie said. "Sis, do you know?"

Erica looked away from the wheel for a fraction of a second, then shook her head. "No. There's no point in tracking Dylan, since I know he's clear of being a double agent."

"I appreciate the priase, but shouldn't what I've been doing for the past month be pretty obvious at this point? I mean, I was taking my time at the Academy. What else would I be doing other than learning and going to my classes regularly?" Dylan said.

"Well, what about the time you snuck out to watch a movie, materialized a crush on a blonde girl with a ponytail while in the middle of the film, realized that you shouldn't be having outside relationships, then abandoned the movie halfway through because you were paranoid that Sidebottom knew where you were?" Erica said, smirk hinting from the edge of her mouth.

"I- wait, didn't you say you weren't keeping tabs on my life? How did you know that?" Dylan protested.

"Dingus, you think that I actually thought you were clear? I just wanted to see you embarrassed when I did the big reveal," Erica said exasperatingly. "Nobody is clear from being a double agent. Even my grandfather can be turned. Trust me, I have experience."

I swear I heard her whisper Joshua after this statement, but I think I was hallucinating. Maybe going at such high speeds for a long time was finally taking a toll on me.

"What other troublesome adventures did you get into?" Trixie said. "Erica, spit it out! I'm too bored right now."

Erica shook her head. "Dylan appreciates his private life-"

"Thank you!" Dylan said. "Wait- but you're aware of the irony that you're saying I appreciate my private life, but you also know everything about my private life, right?"

 "I'm a Hale, Dylan. It's my job to be an all-out creep. And Trixie, I bet that you trust I could divulge information that will make you happy, extremely happy, and sad, but I'm not going to say anything."

"Aww, but I'm bored!" Trixie said, grabbing my hair from behind and tugging.

"Hey!" I shouted, slapping her hand away. "You can touch me, but don't touch my hair!"

Trixie rolled her eyes. "But I wanna induce some pain! This is just too boring."

Dylan, who was right next to Trixie in the backseat, clearly began to feel uncomfortable. Inching away towards his window, he quickly crawled into a protective position, covering his fatal areas.

"Oh god, if a Hale wants to induce pain, then I'm not going to be wanting to be sitting right next to the Hale," he whispered under his breath. Trixie laughed, shaking her head.

"I'm not going to hurt you," she said. "Though can we arm wrestle?"

"You're just going to twist my arm, crack my wrist, then twist my arm the opposite way. I'm not doing it," Dylan said.

"Oh, you know me too well," Trixie giggled. "What about a thumb wrestle?"

"Obviously not. James, care to switch spots? This is torture," Dylan groaned.

"Nope!" I said delightfully. "This is fun to watch, so Trixie, keep it going!"

"James, switch with Dylan to the backseat," Erica ordered.

"Wha- I- no!" I said. "Why?!"

"Do it, otherwise I'll take second thoughts on bringing you along this trip," Erica ordered simply.

I pouted, sliding out from my seat and jumping into the back in one swift move. "Fine. But you'll regret this."

"Will I, hm?" Erica said, pushing the gas pedal and accelerating our speed from one-hundred miles per hour to a hundred and fifty. "Bring it on."

Gleefully, Dylan slipped into the shotgun, watching as I curled up into a protective ball next to Trixie, who looked rather disappointed that I was here with her, not Dylan. Maybe she thought I was harder to fight against- and that was true.

The next few minutes were a blur of me and Trixie engaging in some half-hearted arm wrestles, but we finally arrived at the edge of Universal Studios, which was our destination.

Erica parked the car three miles away from the edge of the theme park to lower suspicion, so we had to trudge some distance before we could arrive at the guard post. I guess I'll keep narrating when we get there, since this is as boring as heck.

Okay, guys, I hoped you enjoyed my first POV, and make sure to nag Dylan in giving me a raise. Seriously, I think we're underpaid.

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