Hello, this is your Daily Dose of Ice Queen insults

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"Erica!" James shouted in relief. "Thank god, finally someone that I can compete against!"

"You shouldn't be talking," Trixie rolled her eyes. "Me and Dylan can easily beat you without any trying. Erica's just the god amongst us."

"Goddess," Erica corrected. "Be aware of gender, sis. And give the driver these GPS coordinates. We'll be parking near the enemy quarters in a few minutes, and I want to optimize the amount of time we have to infiltrate the place."

"Got it," Trixie replied, entering a few coordinates into the GPS. "Driver, get us there as fast as you can."

Floording the gas once again, the driver doubled our previous speed, now whizzing through the highway faster than we had ever gone. So not only were we breaking the speed limit at this point, we were doubling it. He almost could compare to Erica's navigation skills at this point.

Just as I was about to warn him about our dangerously high movement, Erica let out a pfft of disgust from the sunroof.

"Too slow," she spat, avoiding our gapes of disbelief. "Let me take care of the wheel. After all, we need some kind of good driver behind the seat."

The driver took a double-take, then quickly skidded the car to a stop. Nervously, he stepped out of the seat, gesturing for Erica to take the wheel.

"H-here you go, mistress," he mumbled, quickly leading Erica down from the sunroof. "Do as you please."

Erica nodded curtly, jumping behind the wheel. Knowing her, she probably had some sort of hack to get the engines running at double their maximum potential. After all, she had spent countless hours studying the exoskeleton of a car back at the Academy- not to mention she also had experience in multiple other vehicles. The car was just a simple piece of cake for her.

"Sister, don't you think this is a bit of an exagerration?" Trixie set her hand upon her fellow Hale's arm, taking a look of concern at the road. "We've been inches from crashing at least multiple times already."

"Don't question my sheer talent," Erica said, taking a hard look at the row cars in front of her. "And don't touch my arm when I'm driving."

"Geez, since when did you become so mean? Two days ago, you were all normal-acting. What happened to all of that friendly aura?" Trixie gazed contently at Erica.

"This is my normal persona," Erica threw off. "Don't question it, along with my talent."

Trixie mumbled something, then started tapping upon her phone again. I wasn't an expert at sisterly love, but this situation was a pretty common one of some sort.

I took a look at the people sitting next to me. Jayden had dried up by this point, though I could catch a whiff of the sickly smell of sweat that was wafting off him. Seeing the looks on Kylie's and Dylan's faces, they probably caught scent of it too.

Jayden himself, meanwhile, had propped his phone on the edge of the window, folded his legs into a comfortable position, then started browsing some app named Crunchyroll. I didn't know much about it, but I immediately assumed it streamed some kind of entertainment.

Jayden's eyes went from his phone's screen to my face. "Why are you staring at me creepily like that? Is there a problem?"

"Other than your BO? No, there isn't a problem," I said, cringing my nose in disgust. "And what is Shokugeki No Soma? Seems like a rather unusual name for TV show."

"It's not a TV show, it's anime," Jayden noted. "Learn some culture yourself and watch it."

"Nah," I said. "I'm more interesting in reading spy manuals."

"Nerd," Jayden muttered, then continued to listen to his anime. 

ahhhhHHHHH I'm getting writer's block so I'll write later 😔😔

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