Guard Posts

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"This isn't what it's supposed to be like," Mike said, glancing around our post. 

We had been transferred to a highly-populated area, though it wasn't exactly the best area to spend a few hours staring around for suspicious acts. It was pretty mind-straining when you could look around at the people having fun but you can't have fun yourself.

I would look over to my left, see a kid telling his mom: "Should we go ride Space Mountain?"

The mom would agree, and the two happy mother and son would walk into the ride, hand in hand, while Mike and I stood over here, trying not to follow their actions. 

It was pretty clear that Erica would be disappointed if we didn't follow what she had said exactly. And her instructions had been simple: "Do not get distracted from your job. You are to not do anything else than look around for danger."

Yeah, our jobs had gotten to the point where we were looking for danger. Feel sorry for me. It was so bad that we literally couldn't even get worse anymore.

While me and Mike sat here, being as bored as heck and trying not to unleash our inner 9-year old and run around to ride one of those kiddie trains, Zoe, Erica, Trixie, and Kylie all got a free day. 

Yes, we had shifts. The girls took a day, the boys took a day. It was fair, but also grueling. Especially considering the fact that none of us had any protection from the sun of any kind. No sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, or anything else. Basically, we were slowly being solar cooked.

"First person to spot someone wearing green shorts gets to take a thirty-minute break first," Mike suddenly said. "Since the other boys are also guarding and have our backs, we should be able to take a quick break."

"Green shorts?" I said, taking a secret scan of my surroundings. "When does this competition start? I'm ready, if you are."

"Yeah, ready to lose. It starts NOW!" he exclaimed, quickly running his eyesight across the perimeter of our guarding area. 

I followed with a similar action. To be honest, this was the only time that I really paid any attention to my surroundings. Before, all I did was just count imaginary sheep in my mind, since there was nothing better to do. Well, unless you counted watching people have the fun of their lives having a good time.

Mike was still trying to find someone, by the looks of his squinted brows, but it wasn't long before I spotted a fat man sitting along with his family on the leftmost bench that my eyesight could reach. He was tapping his phone, hat pulled low on his face, while his kids messed around on a ride.

Immediately, I pointed to the exact location, almost punching Mike in the face to get his attention. When it came to getting a break from this torture, I was all for it.

"I found one!" I shouted, pulling him to my side and pointing at the man once again.

Mike raised his eyebrows in confusion. "It's either you're pointing at the cute girl over there, the fence, or the flamingo in the left of the exhibit that's peeing. None of those are green."

"No, you knucklehead, I'm pointing at the person who's sitting on the chair!" I turned his head to the exact spot and pointed once again.

"What person?" he said, taking a close look. "The bench you're pointing at is empty."

I took another look at the spot and cursed under my breath. Within the timestamp that Mike distracted me with the flamingo, cute girl, and the fence, the man had already left his original spot. I didn't know if Mike did this on purpose or just got extremely lucky-but considering his personality, it was probably the first choice.

"See?" Mike said, waving to the bench. I swear I saw the hint of a smirk flash on the corner of his mouth as he pointed once again. "There's no man wearing green shorts."

Suddenly, after this remark, I smiled, turning my head to face him. Proudly, I pointed out his worst mistake while covering up his finessed move.

"How did you know it was a man? If you did, that means you saw the person. You just distracted me with the other objects so he could walk away! Otherwise, you wouldn't be aware of gender!"

Mike didn't have anything to argue against this, since I had never specified the sex of the targeted human being. And he hadn't found anybody before I had, so I won.

"You got me there," he muttered, looking at his shoes. "I swear, there's no way of tricking you with these IQ games. What is your IQ anyway? 210?"

"My IQ is irrelevant right now," I said, flashing a saucy smirk. "What is relevant is the fact that I can eat a corn dog in your face and ride as many roller coasters as I want in the next thirty minutes."

"I swear to god- if you eat a corn dog in my face I will personally remove it," Mike said, crossing his arms and groaning. "Can my stupid guarding duty get even worse than this?"

"Yes," I stated. "Because I'm about to buy your favorite food from the stand over there- Christmas cookies."

Okay, readers, here's a quick sidenote. It's Christmas over here, and according to Mike's mom, his favorite food since he was four years old by far was Christmas cookies. His favorite season was also Christmas, and so was mine, mainly because it was the most festive time of the year. I just couldn't help getting into the spirit and probably being a little bit too much overly hyped for the holiday- but the fact that Disney had chosen to play holiday-themed music and decorated itself in red and green, I had decided that I was going to torture Mike as much as I could.

"Don't you dare-" Mike called out, but I was already ordering my basket of cookies. It wasn't long before I was chewing them in his face, watching his fists tighten and his expression slowly change from annoyed to even more annoyed.

Yeah. In other words, this was the life.

Anyway, I'll get back to you once again when Mike decides he's had enough with my bantering. Maybe I'll be unconscious then- we'll never know. 

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