idk i ran out of title ideas

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The following is a text chain made by multiple agents during the countdown to the new year. In the current texts, they are all in their own dorm rooms, TV's on, communicating through phones and technology. Enjoy, and Happy New Year! 🎉

Ben: Hey y'all, who's staying up until 12:00 AM? 😴

Zoe: Me

Erica: Me

Jayden: Me

Cly: Me

Jawa: Me

Chip: Me

James: Me

Dylan: Me

Trixie: Me

Kylie: Me

Rachel: Me

Ben: Who invited Rachel here? I thought this was only for spies that were on this mission. 

Dylan: I did. After all, I'm the one who's recruiting all the agents here. She thinks that she's been left out, and I think this is probably one of the best ways to incorporate her back into our action.

Rachel: Yeah- I mean, I'm a spy too! Don't leave me out! 😔

Jawa: She has a point, but the thing is- the CIA has to assign you into this chat. How did you get in here in the first place?

Dylan: I hacked a line for her. Don't try to report me to the CIA, since we all have to admit we've done something illegal here and there. It doesn't even matter anyways, since the point of this chat was to communicate mission reports. All we're doing is using it as a group chat.

Trixie: We've all done something illegal here? What do you mean by that?

James: *cough* Erica *cough*

Cly: 😂 So true

Erica: 😘

Trixie: I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but seeing the personality of sis, she probably's run off on a bunch of illicit missions without telling me about it.Not to mention she probably also snuck into your dorms in the middle of the night before.

Zoe: Speaking of going into dorms, want to come over?

Ben: Well, I'm feeling kind of solitary here, and, I mean, you have a TV, right? I'm coming over.

Jawa: If Ben's going, I'm going too. I can't pass up a chance to interact with Benny boy himself.

Chip: Me too 😊

Cly: I'm already in the hallway. Beat you guys over! 🏃‍♂️

Trixie: Wait- if we go over to her room, won't that kind of ruin the point of this chat? Are we just going to end it here?

Erica: I'm not going.

James: To be honest, not surprised by that. 🙄

Zoe: Are y'all just going to pull an all-nighter over in my dorm? Or is it going to be a slumber party?

Dylan: Slumber party! I'm bringing extra pillows, since I'm going to need an arsenal of them. It's pretty obvious that Jawa's going to start a pillow fight at 3 AM. And before any of you say anything, I call the floor next to the window.

Trixie: I'll set up next to him.

Dylan: ...I want to reject that, since I'll be stuck up against the wall with you next to me for the whole night.

Cly: Drixie!

Dylan has removed Cly from the chat.

Jayden: Get rejected 😉

Dylan: If people are going to ship me, then I'm not going to keep up my Wattpad posts anymore. If Trixie wants to set up next to me, then I'll simply move. Is that okay?

Trixie: Sure! I just wanted a spot next to the window. 😭

Dylan has added Cly back into the chat.

Cly: Fiiiiinnneee- i won't ship you two, but you have to promise not to ship me with Kylie.

Kylie: We have our own love lives, you know 😢

Erica: We're aware. But we didn't come here to discuss this.

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