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---Mike 从现在开始在说话---

"你说什么?" Kylie说。"我听不清。"

我才这是因为我们在一个火车上。火车的轮子的声音太大了,我们都听不清- heck no, I'm not writing a whole part like this.

---Language switch to English---

---POV Switch to Agent Mike---

"What'd you say?" Kylie said, voice just topping the hum of the train's engine. "I can't really hear you."

That wasn't a surprise. Seeing the grinding of the wheels against the track mixed with chatter of the passengers, the only thing that could top the noise without trying was Murray's chewing sounds. The fact that I was squished against Kylie in this packed subway mixed with the fact that she couldn't even hear me was just a little bit overwhelming.

"Don't worry about it!" I shouted back over the noise. "It's best if we don't even talk on this train. It's not noisy for us to hear."

"What!?" Kylie yelled back, moving her ear closer to my mouth in frustration.

I wringed my hands in exasperation, mouthing don't worry about it and leaning against the wall of the train. I hated the subway, that was for sure. Every single time the thing rattled against the tracks and made an abrupt stop, Kylie squished against my chest- stop those dirty thoughts, reader- and I was also pushed against the stranger behind me. 

The train stopped again, preparing to pick up passengers. When the force pushed Kylie against me, she turned red in what I assumed to be motion sickness and started taking interest in her shoes.

"Which stop are we headed to again?" Kylie said, taking advantage of the fact that the train's wheels had stop grinding. "I don't think I can stand this much longer."

"Just a few more and we'll be there," I assured. "Erica told us to spread out along the city to look for Croatoan agents. I've got the file in my pocket, and the least we can do is inspect somewhere that's in the suburbs. So just keep struggling and we'll arrive soon."

Kylie nodded, heaving a sigh and shoving her hands into her pockets. Taking a look out of the window, she started spacing out and falling into the haze of boredom again. This was pretty explainable- everything on the train was dull as heck.

The train started again, and this time, I was pushed against her. She turned red again, and I started to get some concerning thoughts.

"Are you sick? Or do you have motion sickness?" I questioned, saying as loud as I could.

"Motion sickness?" Kylie replied, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "I don't get motion sickness. Why do you think that?"

It was my turn to go red. "Oh. Sorry- it's just that everytime the train stops or starts, your face blushes and you look at your shoes."

Kylie turned red again. "N-no, that's because, I- just forget it."

I threw my head back, groaning. "First it's the train. Now you're not talking to me? How can this day go worse? I'm suffering from sleep deprivation anyways. How could this thing be so packed in the middle of the night?"

"Oh, so we're submitting our complains now?" Kylie shouted over the engine. "I've got a whole catalog. If you want to hear all of it, then we're going to need to make this into a podcast."

"Oh, stop it. Cheer up, you're going to need the mood for the long hours we're going to be going through," I reminded her. Though giving her a rememberence about the work we were about to do probably wasn't exactly the smartest thing at the moment, since she just slumped down even more.

"I wish I could snap, then watch all of the work go away," she mumbled. The only way I actually made out her words was because I could read her mouth.

"And I want a million dollars," I joked. "If time travel was real, I'd be in Greece right now, handing Alexander the Great an AK-47 and telling him to conquer the rest of Asia."

"Haha," Kylie laughed halfheartedly. "I'd be visiting my grandma. She died last week, and I needed to say goodbye."

That effectively shut me up. Quickly, I whipped out my phone and pretended to check my Twitter account, tapping onto my profile and inspecting my followers.

"You have half a million followers?" Kylie poked her head in, taking a look at my phone. "How'd that happen? Did you post a video of you falling into the mud back at the Academy?"

"We don't talk about that," I warned her. "And I don't know how I have so many followers either. All I did was just post a few selfies and a photo of my dangling from the helicoptor back at Disney World."

"So it's either a half a million people are brain dead and think you're cute," Kylie pondered. "Or the post of you on the helicoptor just went viral. Probably neither, just sheer luck."

"Pssht," I waved off. "I'm too handsome. They can't resist my looks."

---POV Switch to Agent Dylan---

"For the last time, I don't want to arm wrestle," I groaned. "We've been sitting here for three hours. My arms are too numb and suffering from sleep deprivation to move."

"Excuses, excuses," Trixie mocked, giving me a dissapointed wave of her hand. "You just don't want to lose to me. Admit you're a weakling and I'll spare you for once."

"I'm not strong enough, and I'm a weakling. There, you can't arm wrestle me," I said, smirking as Trixie's face fell.

"I didn't think you'd actually admit that," she huffed. "And those words were too fake and candied. Do I need to force you into an arm wrestling battle?"

"It's midnight, Trixie," I muttered, shoving my head into my legs and covering myself up with my hoodie. "I just want to go to sleeeeeeep."

"Isn't it cold out here?" she said, shivering and grabbing her arms. "At least don't get hypothermia. Do you need me to run over to that convenience store and buy some blankets?"

"I don't need an extra mom, Trixie," I said, voice muffled by my jacket. "I just need to go to sleep."

Trixie sighed, collapsing back down against the wall in heap. Despite her usually being in a perky mood, she had calmed down for a while. Maybe that was because she needed sleep. Who knows? When you're half awake, your thoughts start churning. 

I didn't actually realize when I fell into sleep. It wasn't until Trixie was shaking me awake when I finally realized that I accidentally dipped into my dreams. 

"Dylan!" she was saying, voice wavering in and out. "Dylan! Wake up! I think I just saw two teenagers walking towards the bank!"

I raised my head, thoughts muffled and cloudy. Struggling to stand up, I let Trixie give me a hand and lift myself up against the wall. I rubbed the crustiness out of my eyes and took a look at the street around us.

"Teenagers?" I mumbled, struggling to gain a good balance. I was starting to get my alertness back into my head, and I could see pretty clearly, despite it probably being very late in the night. "The only thing I can see is an empty parking lot and a car."

"Look to your right!" Trixie hissed. "They're coming from the forest!"

I swiveled around, eyes scanning the terrain. It took me exactly three seconds to identify two-no, three moving figures crashing through the forests, bearing guns and arms, running directly towards us.

Trixie grabbed my shoulder. "Get ready, Dylan."

I nodded along, shaking off her grip and doing a few jumps to get my blood moving. "I'll take the left guy. You can handle the right two, and then we'll take the rest down using forc-"

A gunshot sounded from in front of me. I was too late to react. The next thing I saw was a flash of a bullet, the pain of the impact, and my legs going out from under me. My head made a hard impact with the ground, and Trixie's scream penetrated through the thin night air.

"I guess I'm going to sleep again," I mumbled, then fell into my potential death.

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