Girl's day out

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--- POV switch to Agent Erica Hale ---

They called it a girl's day out.

At first, I refused to oblige and come with them. I was not a normal teenager, someone that would go shopping in those tacky outlet malls, chasing the name brands, ogling some boy band or BTS or something, and having drama. I was Erica Hale, and that was that.

Well, in the end, I still went. Not that I'm some diva or something, but when you get offered the chance to browse a weaponry store, well... that just can't be denied. Sorry- but shopping for ammunition and heavy weapons is just in a Hale's blood.

Zoe, Trixie, and Kylie were pretty much just the normal girls, except for the fact that they were particularly good at defending themselves. This came especially handy, especially considering when a boy started mercilessly flirting with Trixie.

"No, I wouldn't like to go with you to the movies tonight," sis had said, pushing him away from her personal space. "Besides, I've already watched Kong: Skull Island."

"Then let's watch something else!" the boy said desperately. I wasn't surprised by his actions, we Hales were known pretty well for our looks. Though it wasn't until then when Trixie had to put her hands into action.

"Please," she said. "I'm only going to warn you once more."

The boy raised his eyebrows. "Warn? What can a bit** like you do to me?"

This, clearly, was a mistake. I was about to warn him and tell him to back off, though I decided to hold back. After all, this was going to end up pretty interesting.

Trixie's eyes flared with anger, literally turning red. It wasn't until the boy was in a chokehold that he realized he wasn't really getting anything positive out of this situation.

"Please," he gasped, clinging to his neck for air. "Let-gasp-me out!"

"Do. not. call. me. a. bit**." she hissed into his ear, tightening her neck grip. It wasn't until Zoe pulled her away from the boy that he finally received pure oxygen into his lungs.

"Sorry!" he gasped, sprinting away from Trixie as if she was some sort of deranged beast. "I-i didn't mean itttt!!"

Trixie sighed, shaking her head and dusting herself off. "Boys these days."

"Says the woman who's been chasing after Jayden for the past month," Zoe said, sticking her head in. "Until he utterly rejected youuuuu!"

"Shut up!" Trixie said. "He didn't reject me, he said that he was gay!"

"Same thing," Kylie said, butting into the conversation. "Who's your crush now?"

"That's confidential information," Trixie said, turning her chin up. "And it's not yours to know."

"So you have a crush in the first place!" Kylie said delightfully. "Ayy, welcome to the gang!"

"Wait- who's you're crush then?" Trixie said, turning around. "Even though I probably already know who it is, along with Erica, who is it?"

Kylie turned around, face clearly red. "Stop it. You know that's my worst secret."

"Girls!" I said in exasperation. "We didn't come here to discuss our schoolgirl crushes! We're here to buy our weaponry- right?"

Sorry guys, I have to stop here since I don't have time left. Seeya tomorrow and Happy Thanksgiving!

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