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---POV Switch to Agent James---

The slumber party at Zoe's consisted of three clear parts:

1. Arrival.

2. Buildup

3. Brawl

I assume you readers know exactly what I mean by these three parts. Arrival being when we barged into the hotel room, Buildup would be when we realized there wasn't anything better to do than stare blankly at the TV, chat amongst ourselves awkwardly, and have trouble falling asleep, and Brawl was when Dylan took out his deadly arsenal of pillows and finally put them into use.

I preferred Brawl myself.

But eventually, the fun would end. After the brief countdown to 0, the new year, and the hype, I was pretty much exhausted myself, ready to get some shut-eye and hit the hay.

But sadly, my mind wouldn't let me. 

I didn't know if it was the Mountain Dew flowing through my veins, the fact that I was letting my guard down by sleeping next to my close friends, or because of the new year, but I couldn't force myself to even get a wink of sleep for the first few hours of the night. It was pretty much just punching a sack of sand- you couldn't move it, no matter how hard you tried. The more you hit it, the worse your fist hurts. Nothing good happens either way.

So I decided to take a calm walk.

Yes, I know- escaping a roomful of spies is like trying to lie to your parents- it's no use. But if you're good enough, you can finesse it. And I was James.

So I finessed it like a pro.

It wasn't long before I was out in the hallways, creeping through them and trying to keep as quiet as I could. Thankfully, having training in this job, I could manage it.

As I strolled through the intertwining corridors, a wave of calmness dawned on me. It was the kind of feeling you didn't get unless you were absolutely sure nothing bad was going to happen to you- kind of like the Yin and Yang of my soul. The spy part of me wants to keep an eye on my surroundings, but I know at 3 AM, nobody's dumb enough to go looking for me out here. They'd expect me to be asleep, obviously because I've stayed up until midnight and need some rest.

I did exactly what they didn't think I would do, which was get some peaceful alone time. Some alone time that I couldn't afford, unless something special like this happened.

Slowly but surely, I made my way over to the public balcony of the twentieth floor. It was one of the places in the hotel that gave off the feeling of zen, which is what I needed at this current moment. It had candles, comfy sofas, and a breathtaking view of the City of Orlando beneath me. If I could fall asleep, it'd better be there.

The flickering light of the flames brought me over to the candle-lit balcony, and I quickly slipped through the door, making sure I wasn't being followed. After making sure the coast was clear, I walked over to the edge of the viewing area.

All alone. A beautiful view of the City underneath me. The wind blowing through my hair. This was all I needed to calm my soul.

At least, until I realized I wasn't alone.

The first sign of suspicious behavior was when I saw something move to my right. I shrugged it off though, since I had already scanned the area before I had arrived. There wasn't a chance somebody had snuck here before I did.

But then came the voice.

"Are you supposed to be here?" a calming voice swept through my veins.

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