Three Men in Black

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---POV Switch to Agent Mike---

"We're here," I said to Kylie. "What do you think?"

"What do I think of what, this place?" Kylie said disappointingly. "This is barely an improvement from where we were last time! What did you expect, for me to be impressed?"

I sighed. "No. I was just testing your mood. Looks like you're still annoyed and sarcastic."

"It's 1 AM, for heaven's sake!" Kylie practically yelled. "You expect me to be calm!?"

I took a look at the place around us. I could understand her- I was sleep-lagged too. The only thing that was keeping me awake was the dinner I'd had- a few cappuccinos, a pizza, and some small breadsticks. The Italian place was actually pretty nice for it's dining services, but we couldn't stay too late.

"After our first shift, I'm not in the mood for anything like this anymore," Kylie droned on again. For readers who don't know, we actually already went past our first shift near our hotel, where we scoured the area for potential raiders. We had found nothing but a raccoon, a suspicious-looking man in his fifties who had his hand on someone else's car, and broken lamp post.

I'm letting Charlotte write the rest of the part, since I have to attend a dance. When I get back (which is going to be around 9 PM) I'll edit the part, to make sure nothing's out of hand. She's older than me by 3 minutes, and she insists she can write better. Let's see about that.

"Kylie, how about you take the left of this area?" I ordered. "I know we're both not very familiar with this terrain much, but I think we can handle separate parts by ourselves."

"Sure!" Kylie replied, bounding over to the left side of the street. I took my own pathway over to my targeted area and took a look around the street. There didn't seem to be anything interesting or particularly noticeable, so I kept walking.

The streets of this area of California were pretty dull- a few trash bins spotted here and there, a dotted amount of graffiti on the walls, and a handful of tiny eat-ins that you could jump for a quick snack in. It seemed pretty handy for a regular citizen, but I wasn't that. 

Twenty minutes later, I was back in the original spot, scraping the tip of my shoe onto the ground and waiting for Kylie to arrive back. The hard pavement scarred the rubber of my Nikes, but I couldn't care less.

"Mike!" a voice tumbled across the alleys, sounding vaguely familiar. It took me a swivel of my head and a glance from my eyes to recognize the person. Kylie was running back towards me, clutching her phone in her hand. She looked like she had just discovered a giant breakthrough, since her eyes were gleaming, but they seemed to be sad in a way. I had no idea since I sucked at reading eyes. Especially the ones of a girl.

I took a step backward when she arrived, watching her chest going up and down in heavy pants. "Woah there, tiger. What's with the sudden hurry?" I asked, giving her a helping hand to stand up.

"Agents...injured...Dylan and Ivar..." she panted, holding up a weak hand. The look in her eyes screamed pain, and with this, I realized she wasn't carrying good news. 

Within her palm was her phone, right-side up, and I took a quick look. My eyes widened to the size of quarters, getting larger as I took in the weight of each ongoing sentence.

The realization fell onto me like a mountain. Three agents had been shot directly in their fatal organs, being Jayden, Ivar, and Dylan. Their corresponding partners had reported the incident in the chat and rushed them to the hospital.

"Oh no..." I said solemnly. "That's would they track and take down three well-trained spies? And they said it was three men dressed in black carrying guns that did the crimes! Kylie, do you know anything about this?"

Kylie took a look at me, refusing to meet my eyes. "No, I don't," she mumbled, slowly palming her phone back into her pocket.

"I'm serious, Kylie. Please don't tell me three of our partners may die soon," I looked towards the sky. "Why, fate, why!? All in one day? What did we do to make you angry?"

"It's not fate. It's the Croatoan," Kylie replied in a deathly tone. Silence followed, and I couldn't make my mind to come up with any following phrases.

Kylie beat me to the punch for the next line.

"Mike, seeing that they've taken out one person from each group, and they all were males, I'm pretty sure you might be..." words failed her, and before I could react, she lunged forward and trapped me in an emotional hug.

"Don't die on me, Mike," she stuttered, struggling to keep her voice steady. "W-we've already lost so can't go down with them..."

I patted her back in sympathy. "Don't make it feel like we've already lost. We still have Erica and Trixie, remember."

"What if they're killed too?" Kylie wailed in my arms. "What if the other agents don't make it out?"

"They will," I said, voice rising. "And we will retaliate. We will create an incursion in the Croatoan's backdoors, we will catch them by surprise and destroy them! We will..." I sighed in defeat. "We really are in a hopeless situation, aren't we?"

Kylie pushed away from me. "No, we're not in a hopeless situation. For once, you're right, wolfy boy. We still have hope left. As dumb as you may seem, you've got a point there."

"Wolfy boy?" I smirked. "Where'd that come from?"

Kylie blushed, wiping away a single tear that was drifting down her cheek. "When you grin, you look like a devious wolf. Though it's cute sometimes."

"Wolfy boy..." I repeated, once out loud, then once in my mind. "I like it."

Kylie glared at me. "Don't take advantage of it, though. If you make a nickname for me, then I'll never talk to you again."

"Challenge accepted," I replied. "I think I'll call you something that has to do with your name. Maybe starting with a 'k'..." I trailed off.

"Kylie," I said slowly, in a cold and deadly tone. "Stand perfectly still. Do not move by all means."

"What is it?" she said, taking a look behind her to see what I was staring at. Her eyes widened in fear.

"We need to get out of here!" I shouted, grabbing her hand and bolting towards the nearest taxi, which was parked in a neutral position at the side of the road. The three men in black were at the other side of the crowd in the area we were in, and they were headed straight for us.

Banging my hand onto the taxi door, I knocked the guy sitting in the seat out of his sleep in surprise. I don't know if it was my death glare, or Kylie's genuinely fearful expression, but the startled man unlocked the door and waved us in as quickly as possible.

"Where you go?" the man said in broken English, overtones thickened with a Latina accent. "Are you hurry?"

"Yes! Drive us far away from here, as fast as possible!" I shouted a bit too loudly. My dominant voice scared the man so much, he didn't even ask much of a proof of cash and slammed on the pedal, accelerating us forward at a blistering speed.

The scenery around us formed into a blur. I slowly released a giant breath I didn't realize I had been holding the whole time, and then took a look at the GPS.

"We left them in the dust," I said in satisfaction to Kylie. "High five?"

"Fine, wolfy boy," she replied. "But just once."

I slapped her palm. Maybe we could get through this situation alive after all.

Hope you guys enjoyed my part :)

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